So this is the absolute vaguest Interest Check I have ever done and it squirms in my gut to actually do it, but I just will not be bothered to use my quite sparse free-time fleshing out a whole great deal if there is not even any interest in the general concept. Yeah. So I figured it'd be something along the lines of a plane crashing or a ship sinking an our characters being the sole survivors that managed to get to an island assumed to be uninhabited. As time passes and they explore they find "mythical" creatures and/or some shit. The main focus in the first "part" will be survival and then, once they've set up a camp and stuff, the weird shit starts happening. I'm terribly sorry for this. I WILL make a proper Interest Check (and so on) if this gets some attention, but I really just don't want to waste the little time I do have one something that won't happen.