[@Bluetommy] Shatter let out a laugh. His multitude of voices made it idly eerie. "It's alright, y'know. I came to terms with my oddities years ago," he said casually. "There won't be a need to speed, as much as I assume that will pain you." He considered for a moment. "I'm not all business, believe it or not. I miss whisky, most of all. My name was Alvin Dren, but that's so long gone that I prefer Shatter now. It envelops all that I am anymore." The distortion spread around the two, giving a haze to their surroundings. "So, let's walk. It will give us a few moments before we arrive," he said conversationally. "I was born in Germany some time ago. I've honestly lost track, even though it's not been that long. Mhmmm." He shook his head. "But there's really not much too me. I'm a simple man at heart. Or is it men now? Mhmm. Why don't you strike up the topics, I'm not very good at it. Being a Freak messes with the mind." He let out that eerie laugh again. "Ask about anything. If I can answer, I will happily."