[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170625/244d3bc1549e290f4ca61e3e44578125.png[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/cute-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170625/a181ebd61fc363ab8d85b8825de65de5.png[/img][/url] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pQn35cU.png[/img] [color=c0e03e][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Stables [color=c0e03e]→[/color] La Casa de Lala [color=c0e03e][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color] Horses, Momma E, [color=BA55D3][b]Rachel[/b][/color] & The Girls [sup]Collab with [@Lovely Complex][/sup] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uc7HZKc.png?1[/img][/center] [indent]The wooden pasture gate closed noisily behind Ffiona as she stepped into the late morning sun. A bundled up ginger meandered out into the sparkling white fields, snow crunching pleasantly beneath her leather farm boots. She took a few moments to soak in the natural beauty of the scene, as delicate snowflakes peacefully glided down to join their siblings on the frosty earth. It was like walking into a snow globe, or a Thomas Kinkade painting, and becoming a character in a living work of art. Most of Colorado was downright breathtaking in the wintertime, but no place was quite as awe-inspiring as the Lewis Family Farm. There was a reason that couples from cities, and even states, away traveled here to begin their happily ever afters, and it wasn’t solely the magnificent, insulated [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ba/cc/0c/bacc0cd278f51759955f2ba14f264563.jpg]event barn[/url]. The acres of gently sloped plains and the heavily wooded perimeter served as a stunning landscape for wedding photography, no matter the season. There was even had a ceremonial arch, which was strung with fresh flowers and tulle in the summer, and twinkling white lights and shiny fabrics during winter. Running around in the middle of the snow-blanketed pasture were over half a dozen horses, joyfully prancing in the powdery white, as if they had never been allowed freedom before. They had, of course, been let out for roaming and riding every morning for as long as Ffiona could remember, they were just being dramatic. Hamming it up in the epicenter of the revelry, was Genie, a twelve year old [url=https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me1i0sWQqF1qgatu7o1_1280.jpg]dapple gray[/url] that was gifted to FiFi on her 5[sup]th[/sup] birthday. Each of the Lewis children received a horse of their own to grow up with - and learn responsibility by taking care of - at the age of five. Letting her best animal friend have her fun for a few more minutes, Ffiona watched as Genie rolled about in the snow. The silly gray creature rocked to the left and right, kicking her long dark legs in the air, and wiggling her back along the icy ground, as if she had an itch that she just couldn’t scratch. Ffiona giggled before bringing her thumb and forefinger to her lips, sending forth a sharp whistle that cut through the frosty air like a falling icicle. Genie rolled over and perked her ears up at attention, but lazily remained down. [color=c0e03e][b]“Come on, old girl!”[/b][/color] FiFi beckoned the mare with another whistle, and this time, she obeyed. The redhead clipped a lead on Genie’s bridle and guided her toward the stables, which Ffiona had spent the majority of the morning cleaning and supplying with fresh hay. Once inside the barn, the horse snorted and clopped her hooves on the floorboards, while Ffiona removed her bridle. Fi stepped away to store Genie’s gear in the tack room, fetching a fluffy wool blanket and throwing it over her shoulder along the way. This far away from the ranch house that Ffiona called home, the wifi did not reach the cell phone in the back pocket of her light blue jeans. As the Lewis’ had a limited shared family plan, and Fi cared too little for the internet to keep her data on at all times, she did not receive the [i]Facebook[/i] message notifications regarding the two day trip plans. If her friends wanted to get ahold of her, they knew that the best way was to either call or text her, preferably call, because Ffiona [i]loved[/i] talking. Instead of being addicted to technology, like many of her classmates, Ffiona was humming to herself and brushing out Genie’s silvery mane on this lovely snowy morning. The ginger stroked the horse’s salt and peppered hair with tender love and care. Once thoroughly done brushing the tall beauty, Ffiona draped the fresh, warm blanket over her back, and patted her hindquarters. [color=c0e03e][b]“Good girl.”[/b][/color] As a finally step in the princess treatment, Ffiona walked off once again to get some horse snacks. Genie nosed the back of Ffiona’s head knowingly, lifting up the knitted hat and causing her hair to mess with static, when she started to walk away. Aftering pulling the hat down and going on her way, FiFi came back with a carrot in her left hand and two sugar cubes in her right. Genie immediately went for her right hand, which Fi had closed in a tight fist. [color=c0e03e][b]“Ahh-ahh! Vegetables first, missy!”[/b][/color] FiFi chided, pulling her hand away playfully, offering up the carrot instead. The horse gladly took the crunchy orange snack, but eagerly looked to the sugar-bearing fist as she chewed. Ffiona giggled again and finally held out the sweets in an open palm. Genie licked up the cubes as fast as lightning, whinnying with glee once she was finished. FiFi grinned at her beloved pet before putting each of her hands on Genie’s pure white cheeks, and leaned her forehead up against the creature’s lowered crown. [color=c0e03e][b]“I love you, Genie-Beanie,”[/b][/color] she murmured softly. Rachel had realized that meeting at ‘their spot’, which was somewhere in the woods by the lake, at a specific tree where they hid a memory box inside the tree hollow, which throughout the years occasionally had critter visitors, was not a good option. AND KNOWING FIFI, SHE WOULDN’T CHECK HER DAMN PHONE. So, she did what she did best. Rode her bike in the freezing cold, completely decked out with winter clothing, praying to the gods that there was no ice yet, speeding to her best friend’s house. For honor! For glory! For the sake of convincing Fifi to go shopping with her because her presence was absolutely needed. In time, she unceremoniously hopped off her bike, dropped it to the ground, and charged with reckless abandon to where she knew the nature-loving ginger would be. When she did arrive at her destination, she was completely out of breath, [color=BA55D3][b]“I feel like... coming here by foot… would have been... easier... “[/b][/color] She took her hat off and waved it at her rosy cheeks. Her heart was pounding and she could feel every beat trying to boom out of her chest. She was hot as hell. Riding bikes in the snow was no joke. One day she’ll have her license, that day was not today. After she had a short cool down period, she looked around for one, handsome white and black speckled stallion, [color=BA55D3][b]“Where’s Tucky? My fav.”[/b][/color] Tucker was one of the older horses, but Rachel felt like when he stared into her eyes, they had a spiritual connection. Her spirit horse. He was an old soul and she loved how… calm he was. Usually. He used to be quite the active one too, but now all he wanted to do was be a lazy bean and sleep. Who could blame him? He’s had a long life and deserved all the sleep. Ffiona’s eyes peeped open when she heard someone else enter the stables. Lifting her forehead off of Genie’s soft, fuzzy face, Fi expected to see one of her siblings making their way in. They had to take care of their own horses as well, after all. Instead of Trevor or Gwyn, it was Fi’s childhood bestie, Rachel, who bounded into the barn, breathless and red in the face. FiFi smiled in warm contrast to the chilly air around them. [color=c0e03e][b]“Tuck’s still in the pasture. They’re having the time of their lives kicking up the fresh snow out there.”[/b][/color] The redhead patted Genie gently before stepping out of her section of the stable, and latching the gate closed behind her. Genie settled into a comfy spot, nestling into the fresh and fluffy bed of hay, once Ffiona left her there. [color=c0e03e][b]“I was gonna bring him in next, since the youngin’s seem to be sleeping the first day of winter break away. Wanna come?”[/b][/color] [color=BA55D3][b]“ABSOLUTELY! I love him so much.”[/b][/color] Rachel put her hat back on so that her hands were free to help Fifi groom and feed him. As she followed her friend, to the best horse in the freaking world, Rachel decided it was time to make her proposition - since they only had so much time, [color=BA55D3][b]“Sooooooooo, after this, you should spend time with me. Doing stuff. Particular stuff. And it would make me uber happy, uber excited, uber… loved! If you came.”[/b][/color] Start it off vague. Yeah, that’s a good route. [color=c0e03e][b]“Sure,”[/b][/color] Fi responded, as she didn’t really have any plans for the day after her responsibilities were taken care of. Work at PJ’s wasn’t scheduled to start for three more days, and she had to cheer at the game later, but whatever plans Rachel had in mind shouldn’t interfere with that - because she [i]also[/i] had to cheer later. It would be a good day for boarding, but Rachie didn’t really like the slopes all that much, so that was unlikely. [color=c0e03e][b]“Why are you acting like it’s something that I need to be convinced to do?”[/b][/color] Ffiona asked as they headed out into the pasture together to fetch Tucker and bring him into the stables. He would be getting the prince treatment - rather than the princess - but it would be equally as royal, especially with Rachel here. She loved the old beast, and would probably give him extra sugar cubes when Ffiona wasn’t looking. [i]Gotta’ play it cool, Rachel.[/i] [color=BA55D3][b]“What? I’m not acting [i]weird[/i]. You’ll [i]totally[/i] be okay with doing this. Like 100 and 10 percent okay. That’s what you’ll be.”[/b][/color] Nodding to herself, Rachel scanned the stable, excited to be reunited with her beloved horse. Well, he wasn’t HER’s, but she’d like to think he was. Okay. It was time to drop the bomb. [color=BA55D3][b]“So… you already know that me and Lawson are going to the dance together, right? Well, you see, a bunch of the girls and Remy. Probably Remy. Desi is most likely dragging him to come. Will be taking a trip… to Denver. To go shopping. And I have no clue what kind of dress I should get!”[/b][/color] Her eyes widened in alarm. The blonde was always quite the expressive girl. [color=BA55D3][b]“I hold your opinion above nearly everyone else! Probably over everyone else… yeah, you definitely trump my stepmom by a ton. She’d make me wear a dress from neck to toe. Hell, she’d probably cover my face too if she could. WHICH, I don’t understand why because SHE shows skin all the time.”[/b][/color] Ffiona nodded quickly, having no trouble keeping up with her best friend’s rambling. One of the reason they got along so well was because they could talk at their most comfortable pace with each other and have no trouble while, to other people, they sounded like someone accidentally hit the fast forward button on a VCR player - mouths mouthed at lightening speed, the occasional word could be pulled out, but everything else was incoherent gibberish. [color=c0e03e][b]“YESSS! Oh ehm gee, I’m so excited about you and Law! Of course I’ll come, I absolutely must help you look fairy tale gorgeous, like a queen fit for Linthia itself. You will definitely sweep Lawson off his feet, faster than a dancing broom. Like that movie… uhmm. Uhh.”[/b][/color] [color=BA55D3][b]“Fantasia!”[/b][/color] Rachel chirped in. Did Law like her like that? She assumed this was just friends going together because it was better to go with someone rather than alone. Well, even if he didn’t like her like that, she would enjoy every minute of her time with him. He was so sweet to ask her to the dance and it gave her butterflies that someone other than FiFi wanted to take her. [color=c0e03e][b]“Yes! Fantasia!”[/b][/color] Ffiona talk-shouted excitedly, doing a little hip shaking dance to punctuate the exclamation. And then she stopped dancing, abruptly. [color=c0e03e][b]“Also, poor Remy. We need to cheer him up. He hasn’t quite swept his bae up yet. The dance, all magic will be made at the dance! Oh, alsoalso, IIIII have a date to the dance too. Well, a friend date, but still.”[/b][/color] The ginger girl’s freckled cheeks colored with blush. [color=c0e03e][b]“Lana asked me.”[/b][/color] she said with a girlish giggle. By now, they had corralled Tuck into the stables and began work on brushing him out and getting him settled inside. Ffiona handed Rachel the brush and went to go put his bridle in the tack room. [color=BA55D3][b]“Oooooooh. Lana-Banana. Such a cutie-patootie.”[/b][/color] Pausing for a moment, she placed the brush on Tuck’s loin, [color=BA55D3][b]“I really do hope things turn over for Remy… he hasn’t been his smiley self and it makes me sad.”[/b][/color] Rachel pouted in worry. Smiley not smiley was weird. She was curious what happened but didn’t think he wanted to talk about it. Doesn’t change the fact that he looked like an absolute mess this entire week. Yes, the dance will be magical for him and she and FiFi would make it so. It was going to be the best dance he’s ever been to. Yepp, she officially decided to make Remy a dreamer again. [color=BA55D3][b]“Will I have some influence over your wardrobe tomorrow? BECAUSE, I know exactly what character I would make you resemble…”[/b][/color] Rachel’s lips rose into a devilish smirk. If FiFi allowed her, oh man, this would make her day. Her life. There was this one particular character that Rachel believed FiFi could pull off amazingly, at least look-wise. Gently, she brushed Tuck’s croup and then walked to meet his groggily gaze. Resting her forehead against his, ever so lovingly, she whispered to her animal companion, [color=BA55D3][b]“I think she’d pull off the sexy Sybil, don’t you think?”[/b][/color] The hot redhead enchantress was to DIE for. Literally. A lot of people died for her - willing and not. What? A girl could dream! Ffiona rolled her eyes jokingly. [color=c0e03e][b]“I guesss.”[/b][/color] It was obvious by her smirk that she was actually looking forward to the fashion adventure. FiFi didn’t go out and do… [i]girly things[/i]… very often, so times like these were always special occasions. Maybe someday, she could also find her happily ever after. [color=c0e03e][b]“So, you said Denver? How are we getting there? I doubt Poppa will let me borrow the pick-up for a trip that far. And you don’t have a car…”[/b][/color] Ffiona asked, now in front of Rachel and the horse, with some snacks and a blanket in hand for him. She handed the treats to Rachie for her to feed Tuck, while she covered his back up with the blanket.. [color=BA55D3][b]“Lala and CR’s guests have rentals. So I’m assuming once we get to Lala’s, we’ll pile in cars that take up that whole grove… it’s been very lively there. Oh!”[/b][/color] Rachel graciously grabbed the treats and fed the horsey, [color=BA55D3][b]“So, those two have been together for their entire lives, right? We should definitely convince Lala to spice things up. Maybe, we can make her uber sexy, like how I’m going to make you! Make CR’s heart go boom, boom, boom.”[/b][/color] [color=c0e03e][b]“Oh myyy, sounds like fun. I don’t know about me getting sexy, that sounds… I don’t know.”[/b][/color] Fi laughed and waved it off dismissively. Who was she going to try to impress? Thus far, there haven’t been any heartthrob romantic interests for her in Westworth. Ffiona’s future person, they’d have to be one hell of an individual to capture and tame a heart that was as wild and free as hers. Perhaps not even capture it, ideally they would run alongside her. [color=c0e03e][b]“Well, we can be done in here, then. I’ll go beat Trevor out of bed with his gross drooly pillow, and he can take care of the rest of the barnwork.”[/b][/color] The girls locked up Tucker safe and sound alongside Genie’s stable, before trekking towards the Ffiona’s home. [color=c0e03e][b]“Tell Momma about the plans, I’ll be right back.”[/b][/color] Ffiona ran in the house quickly, only kicking off her snowy boots in the mudroom before scampering up the stairs and calling out for her brother to get up. [b]“Tell me what?”[/b] Eleanor said from the kitchen, peeking into the entryway, where her daughter had left Rachel standing in the dust of her tracks. [color=BA55D3][b]“Oh hey, Miss E! You see, tomorrow is the dance and for dances you wear dresses. Fifi and I, well, we were invited to go shopping. Take a trip to Denver with a bunch of friends and those kids everyone’s been talking about! From, uh, Cali. Yeah, the Cali kids. News travels fast and it isn’t like we live in a big town. So, most of the girls in my class are meeting up at the Foxley’s and then carpooling to the city to get some nice… clothes. For the dance.”[/b][/color] Rachel never was one to explain herself well, but luckily Eleanor was use to her roundabout way of telling things. [b]“Oh, that sounds lovely. Can’t hardly ever get my girly in a dress. Pictures will be needed. When are you heading to the Foxley’s?”[/b] After assaulting him with his own pillow, as promised, Ffiona trotted back downstairs with a very sleepy, grumpy-faced Trevor following after her. [color=c0e03e][b]“Help acquired, ready to roll.”[/b][/color] FiFi was wearing a different outfit now, hopefully one that smelled less like a barn… but Ffiona always smelled a little bit like a farm, and she didn’t find that fact all that unappealing. Lord only knows how she managed to undress and redress in that amount of time, it seems that everything Ffiona does is high speed. [color=BA55D3][b]“Now, it seems.”[/b][/color] The curly blond haired girl grinned at FiFi’s mother, before she gave Trevor a little nudge on his shoulder, [color=BA55D3][b]“Wake up, sleepyhead! It’s time to enjoy your day and play with the animals.”[/b][/color] From there, she allowed FiFi to drag her. [color=c0e03e][b]“I assume Rachel told you?”[/b][/color] Ffiona said, hooking her arm into Rachel’s to start ushering her out. Like Ffiona herself, Rachel could stand and talk to someone for an eternity, if she was left to. [b]“Dance. Dresses. Denver. Check three times over, triple D!”[/b] Eleanor smiled wide and proud at her cheesy pun. [b]“Go hop in the car, I’ll be right out to drive you over to Lorelei’s”[/b] FiFi said her thanks and quite literally dragged Rachel outside. Eleanor told Trevor that he could find breakfast in the fridge and fetched her keys. [b]“Do you girls have dates to the dance?”[/b] El asked once she was settled into the car and turning the ignition. It took a few turns for the engine to cough to life, which was common in the cold weather. Eleanor expertly backed the station wagon down the quarter-mile long dirt driveway. The driveway was so long that it warranted it’s own name, which was aptly called “Lewis Lane” on all official maps. [color=BA55D3][b]“Lawson…. asked me.”[/b][/color] Rachel shyly responded. In all honesty, she couldn’t believe that she was going to the dance with a boy. This was beyond her! Would he even like how she danced? She was a damn dork. Watch. Law was going to find something weird about her and end their night short. It was nerve-wrecking thinking of all the ways this could go wrong. [color=c0e03e][b]“And I’m just going as friends with Lana. OH! Do you think I should still match colors with her?”[/b][/color] Ffiona asked Rachel quickly, realizing that there might be something to this dance date thing that she was missing. Were friend dates supposed to match? [color=c0e03e][b]“Maybe just… colors that [i]go[/i]?”[/b][/color] [b]“Lawson, is it?”[/b] Eleanor asked, raising her eyebrows at Rachel through the rearview. [b]“He seems like a nice boy, comes from a good family, those Barrett’s.”[/b] El nodded in approval, turning onto the street that the Foxley’s lived on. [color=BA55D3][b]“Mm, yeah… he’s really nice.”[/b][/color] Fiddling with her fingers, Rachel looked away from the mirror of the woman fixedly staring at her and answered her friend’s question, [color=BA55D3][b]“I think friends could do whatever they want! I was going to suggest a dark, ivy green dress for you. Your hair would look absolutely gorgeous with that color. I think Lana is coming so you two could always try to coordinate while we’re there.”[/b][/color] The blonde shrugged, not really knowing the answer to the question. There wasn’t anything wrong with them matching if they wanted to match! [color=c0e03e][b]“Oh, good! Green sounds nice, that’s my favorite color. Like the grass and the trees and nature!”[/b][/color] Ffiona grinned at her best friend, and her mother chuckled. These girls were so full of energy. Young, vibrant, positive energy. The car pulled to a stop in front of Lorelei’s parents’ house. Eleanor dug around in her purse, causing a few crumpled grocery receipts to fall out. She then pulled three crinkly twenties out, and passed them back to the girls - two for Ffiona, and one for Rachel. [b]“A little extra for you both, get something pretty, and BE SAFE in that city! Call me if you need anything, like a ride home. Or expert motherly fashion advice.”[/b] [color=c0e03e][b]“Thanks, momma!”[/b][/color] Ffiona said, pocketing the money in her jeans and checking for her phone. [color=c0e03e][b]“I have my cell if there are any emergencies… or advisement needed.”[/b][/color] The redhead said teasingly and opened the door to hop out and join Lala and Company inside. [color=BA55D3][b]“See you later, Mrs. E… I’ll make sure we take lots of pictures.”[/b][/color] And with that, Rachel trailed behind her best friend. Onward they go! [/indent]