[quote=@luna558] I'm on vacation but I will still be keeping up with this I just got done with a two-day car ride to the place we are staying at so, that's with the silence from me, I'll try my best to be on here whenever I can but I will probely look at it in the early morning and late night. [/quote] That's fine. I'm happy to report that I'm about a few sentences away from completing the IC. Looks like, as I promised (At least in my time zone), looks like you'll all be pirates before the day is done. I do have to take care of some personal business on my end beforehand, but even so, I should have it complete afterwards. My next post to this, double-post if need be, will be an alert to all of you that the IC is up. Again though, Prepare yourself, cause it's a big one, with alot to read.