[hr][hr] [color=f26522][h2][center]Isinui, Samada[/center][/h2][/color] [hr][hr] The others were likely bored from having to sit on this bus; all wishing they would just arrive already, but he was content with enjoying the scenery passing by outside. Munching on the granola bar, trying not to be noisy with his bites. All the zooming was starting to make his eyes hurt though and so looked away while blinking. Taking this chance to look around the bus and glance at the fellow apprentices, who were all probably brimming with excitement at what awaited them. His gaze eventually came to rest on a boy that also sported bandages and couldn't help but think he was staring at him and wasn't sure what to do and thought it best to be friendly by giving him a friendly smile and wave of his hand. His attention was then taken by the low whoosh passing by the bus, which made him press his face against the window. In doing so had caught a brief sight of a human sized flying object and his eyes went wide with awe.'[color=f26522]Whoa!! is that a hero?! [/color]'He exclaimed just before the bus got propelled forward like a rocket and had his body forced against the bus seat and left pinned there. When the pressure died down did he throw up his arms.'[color=f26522]Whooo!..that..was..awesome!![/color]'Laughing with renewed excitement as what just occurred an example of what's to come. [hider=ping][@Tenma Tendo][/hider]