He would not lead them instead followed, taking the quiet change in pace to slowly bend one of the chain links back and forth. It did not take him long until he heard a metallic snap as the weak link he was working snapped in half, “[color=ed1c24]finally[/color]” Argor whispered. He was still wearing the iron cuffs but no longer worried about having to have his arms chained together. The changeling was still following him, occasionally in front or behind or at his side. Slowly learning how to mimic his movements was odd for him at first but slowly turned to annoyance, yet somehow he seemed a bit proud that she was mimicking him or at the very least happy to have an admirer. “[color=39b54a][i]So you gonna let me out then?[/i][/color]” Victor's voice sounded tired or annoyed Argor couldn't tell, “[color=ed1c24]No its getting dark and unlike you I can see in the dark remember. Besides our deal stands, you sleep while I'm up through the night so I can sleep through the day.[/color]” A silent huff was all he got before Victors voice trailed off, “[i][color=39b54a]don't kill anyone please.[/color][/i]” the demon laughed, “[color=ed1c24]Why would I? I'm free now, free to make my own choices and demands.[/color]” He sighed as they finally reached the grass less hill the girl who had a problem with him was still glaring at him but seemed to have regained her composure. She was setting up a lighted perimeter that messed with his eyes ever so slightly, just enough to be bothersome. At first, he seemed to not know what to do simply standing around and watching the going on of the others. However, after the carriage had stopped he found himself wondering, “[i][color=ed1c24]did they pack it I wounder?[/color][/i]” his curiosity growing he set to work sifting through the belongings in the cart, being careful to avoid the horse as it eyed him warily. Horses never liked him even trained ones would try to get away. Soon with his sifting and rummaging through personal belongings he began to find carpenter supplies, he was getting close. ”[color=ed1c24]Where are you dear friend? It has been some time since we last met.[/color]” the demon spoke into the pile until he finally stopped pulling out a three-foot wooden crate, [color=ed1c24]“I found you old friend!”[/color] a wicked smile crossed his face as he greedily pulled the crate apart. Slowly and gently he retrieved an ax from the broken crate. The bearded lumber ax was about three feet long and glimmered even with the low light. The wooden curved handle was splattered in red that faded to a dark red towards the head of the ax. With careful inspection one would still find small hairs around the ax head. Securing the ax to his hip he slid out of the cart and out to the edge of the camp. He stayed out of the light on the opposite side of the camp from the flute playing girl. Argor had many things to figure out, first off was what he truly wanted he was free now after all. He could sense the changeling nearby, she was at least within ear shot of him. “[color=ed1c24]I'm sure you have plenty of questions girl. For now the boy slumbers so this conversation will be private[/color]” sitting with his legs crossed in front of him. He sat near the edge of the grass one blade of grass seemed separated from the rest. With curious intent the man takes out his ax and carefully cuts his pinky finger ever so carefully to allow a single drop of blood to fall on the blade of grass. Still, the man stared off into the darkness watching the black and white landscape roll on out to the horizon. “[color=ed1c24]At least its peaceful here... for now.[/color]” [hider=Just an old friend] [IMG]http://i1328.photobucket.com/albums/w523/torok117/Bearded%20ax_zpskaw68adx.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [@Yuuta][@Regitnui]