The boat ride wasn't so bad, in Chris's opinion. Though it was rather packed, and he wasn't allowed to have his Pokémon out, he did manage to entertain himself along the way by conversing with various other young trainers and some of the crew. Throughout the ride, he learned that the captain's first Pokémon was a Wingull, which was presently on his person in a pokeball. However, despite the pleasantries of the trip, Chris was glad when the ride was over and he had arrived in Orre. Stepping off the boat, Chris grinned as he removed four Pokeballs. However, before he could let everyone out to enjoy themselves, he noticed it was quite packed. There were a lot of people and Pokémon about. Chris hesitated, before stowing them away. "Hang on guys, it's just a bit too crowded here. I'll let you all out when there's more room for ya," he said aloud, before smiling again anyways. Chris followed the crowd to where the sort of orientation would take place. If it wasn't packed enough outside, now everyone was in a large hall. Not much room to go around, so Chris felt his decision to keep his Pokémon in their pokeballs was wise. The headmaster began to speak up, and Chris immediately recognized him as Steven Stone. "The Hoenn League Champion," he whispered to himself, as he paid close attention to what the man had to say. He went over some basics and some rules. Rules which delighted Chris, considering it wasn't against to rules to battle at any time. All he would need is a referee. Chris spun one of his pokeballs on his finger, the one to Golett, as he listened to the class he was designated to go to. Room 108. After a brief trip, the young teenager found the class. Though, the teacher appeared to not be present as a small crowd was forming outside the door. [I]I think it's good to let someone out,[I] Chris thought, considering the hallway was fairly roomy. Though he wanted to let everyone out of their pokeball, he figured since some of the others either had none or only one out, he wouldn't try to stand out too much. Chris grabbed one of his pokeballs and tossed it up, before catching it and clicking the button. A quick flash of light, and his Wartortle appeared next to him. "We're here," he told his water-type friend, who immediately smiled and responded. "Tortle!" it exclaimed, before looking around at the other trainers and Pokémon that were in the hall.