[@Andreyich] Not to get too much into it. (and because google seems to be purposefully fucking with me.) But the poor in capitalist countries don't -stay- poor. And they also get richer too. :/ The 1% isn't stagnant, it moves all the time. And we aren't exactly a perfect free market (our healthcare for instance.) and most people that describe "crony capitalism" is basically corporatism. I also hate this argument in a way, because I was poor once. But America's poor are FAR better off than the rest of the free world. :/ (So yea-that 'communist' argument is FOS, on top of being kind of funny/ironic.) http://www.heritage.org/poverty-and-inequality/report/how-poor-are-americas-poor-examining-the-plague-poverty-america http://dailycaller.com/2015/10/21/bernies-poverty-delusion-americas-poor-are-richer-than-europes-middle-class/ There's more to it than that, sure. But like I said, too lazy to go further.