[center][h2]Death Rattle[/h2] [i]Themerlinhawk[/i] Megelis, Ralrisk Day 1, Morning[/center] [@Lyla] Crow watched Lyla’s friend pass. The man was an Artisan, Crow had seen him in passing. Or perhaps he just knew him from a list or a form. The Tower had not had a Mistress or Master of Breath since just after the first Stygian War so it was possible that he’d reviewed a medical file for the man. It had fallen to Crow of late to handle a portion of the Tower’s medical needs. The responsibility was spread out through several of the Tower’s members and then largely handled through their central infirmary which was in desperate need of a steady hand at the moment. Dismissing his thoughts on the matter, Crow nodded to Ayala as she suggested they walk and talk. “The mistress of Shadows has requested our service for finding out what happened to an individual who we recovered from the Narrows earlier today. I couldn't determine from the body so I suspect his spirit is still in the Narrows somewhere. Though it is stygia blade territory so we are being sent with a lot of people that carry large weapons. Do you need anything before we meet them?” Crow paused at the elevator to give her a moment to think before they stepped onto the elevator. The social interaction thing was becoming a bit easier. It had been hard to convert to living in society and now living around so many people in the Tower made it harder still. Beyond that his lineage still pushed him in ways he disliked greatly. Once more coming up from his mental introspection he favored Ayala with less than his usual grimace. [@CollectorOfMyst][@ChickenTeriyaki]- Megelis nodded as though considering the idea of simply taking someone other than Nathan before he seemed to settle on a conclusion. “Great, Michael. You're going. Come on Nathan you too. Both of you are going, thanks for volunteering. It wasn’t as though Megelis actually had an authority but it would probably give Ralrisk a reason to kick him from the team if he showed up with an extra warm body. The swordsman really had no problem with being on the mission but Ralrisk had been touchy of late and there was no reason to poke the bull so to speak. Though not being on the mission put him in the Tower which was closer than Ris wanted him and she made it clear regularly. Turning to the door Megelis gestured with a slight bow and a gesture with his left hand. The Tower had been a change from the usual pace of things with the Korvan Rangers. It was still unusual for him to be questioned. It often reminded him that he was among mercenaries now, not soldiers. At one time perhaps the Knights had been soldiers but those days were long gone and no doubt they had barely existed to begin with. The impression of Christian, Megelis had gotten was that for all the man’s graces, all his appearance and all his strange quirks; it seemed to Megelis that everyone sort of forgot that they were working for quite literally working for a mortal force of nature. With a shake of his head Megelis pushed the thought away. At first he had felt bad for Lady Calrisa until he’d seen her in action. That was the point at which he had to wonder what their child would be like. What was the child of a force of nature and the quasi divine? The shudder of the earth and the flap of wings that should not move the air as they did would stay with him till the day he died. With Christian at least the Dragon’s wings made sense, with Lady Silver...it never ceased to amaze him when she took to the field. “Let’s go gentleman. Meet Markus. He is infinitely more valuable than you on this mission.” Megelis gave Michael a look. “If he gets shot, you’re responsible...for both of them.” Ris wanted Nathan incase there were any unusual problems that came up. It was strange to have more than a single Artisan in the field but it also explained the fire power she was calling in for this one.