[@Ryonara] [b]Teàrlag Cirsium - "Student Counselor"[/b] Fine? When you're hyperventilating and shoogling harder than a bunny that'd fallen into the coffee supply? Oi brat, I'm worried for you here, not because I want to be or anything, but an obvious lie isn't going to bloody help you out, you know? If you're that embarrassed about your uh, wrestling outfit, then change out of it. I don't think you should participate in that wrestling thing if this is going to be how it's making you feel. Especially if you think it's dangerously fun. Think of how weird all the other buggers are going to find it. I'm not going to talk about what floats your boat right now, but you'd have all those blokes around when all you want is to fight. You already look like a seriously awkward bugger. And you can't fight if you're so panicky. "[color=d8bfd8]Let's get you back inside,[/color]" I say, handing over my hoodie. I don't think a teenager would want to wear it or anything thanks to these weird bunny-ear things, but it'll cover her up at least. "[color=d8bfd8]You can't fight if you're flailing about like a sliced sausage, okay?[/color]" Main thing is to get her inside to calm down. Away from the judgement of everybody else. Just gotta make sure she's all right.