[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170626/f01d2fd30998787da796bf18a3a1015c.png[/img] [color=slategray]Interacting with: No one[/color][/center] [hr] Jonathan let out a sigh as he neared what he assumed to be the entrance to the school. From the amount of people there, he could only assume that much. Pearl and Lapis brushed against his legs and he stopped. He knelt down and brushed his hand against their heads to comfort them. At least the school allowed him to keep the two Ragdoll cats. They may not have been dogs but they were still pretty much trained to help him. He stood up once more at the sound of someone talking to himself. Something about him being "Frank fricking Sage" and that he can do it. He wondered what he was up to. He searched for the person who was muttering to himself and landed on a rather nervous aura. He made a mental note of him. Frank Sage. At least he knows one name. Now time to figure out the others. And to memorize their voices. He had his work cut out for him after all. It reminded him of the first time he went to school. It was exactly like this. So much unfamiliarity. He began to tap his cane against the ground again as he trudged on forward, careful to avoid the people around him. There was another person who had a different aura from the others - different from human. Huh, interesting. Then there was another one who seemed more distressed than the others. He walked forward rather aimlessly, aiming to find someone who knows the school layout well so he would be able to head towards his rooms. The school hasn't given him a map (that he could actually read) yet so he was going in blind. Literally.