[center][h3][b][color=00C5CD]E[/color][color=00898F]lise[/color] [color=00C5CD]H[/color][color=00898F]artell[/color] & [color=ff6699]S[/color][color=FFA3C1]carlett[/color][/b][/h3] [sub][@CoyoteLovely][@Silvan Haven][@LPRKN][@Lmpkio][/sub][/center] Elise paused, offering Fionn a soft smile. [b][color=00C5CD]"Yeah, sure, don't worry about it."[/color][/b] She was just relieved the girl finally decided it was a good idea to train. Before long though, they were gone into the woods, which of course they happened to be heading the same way that the sphinx had landed only a few minutes after. As the pair finally found the clearing, Elise instantly tensed up, her hands shooting to her blades as she stared at the creature. She had not heard any pleasant stories of the creatures, though this one certainly looked different than she imagined - having a beautiful woman form instead of the usual humanish head she read about in fairy tales. Which put her in some ease at first. She blinked again however as Scarlett seemed to be walking right up to the creature! [b][color=00C5CD]"Scarlett! Shit! J-just wait!"[/color][/b] It was a tad too late though as Scarlett had made her way over to Shiluuki, causally, as if not fearing the new arrival. Seeing as the creature didn't immediately attack her, she lowered her guard somewhat and also came closer, though her hands seemed ready to draw her blades with a moment's notice. [b][color=ff6699]"Hello.."[/color][/b] the redhead said at first, glancing around the sphinx before glancing around and looking confused - though unphased as per normal. [b][color=ff6699]"This is an unusual place for a sphinx, right? Aren't you more comfortable within the desert sands?"[/color][/b] she asked, forcing Elise to raise an eyebrow. The warrior quietly wondered how the girl even knew that, as if she had encountered sphinx before, but where would an average girl encounter such an exotic creature? Mayhaps Scarlett was not so average. [b][color=00C5CD]"Pardon the interruption.."[/color][/b] Elise finally said, seeing the woman sphinx looking at them calmly. [b][color=00C5CD]"We only meant to come here for some training. Scarlett is.. well, curious.. as always. I am Elise, by the way."[/color][/b] The fighter figured it might be best to be polite to the woman creature, lest they invoke it's possible wrath. She wasn't excited to see what a sphinx was capable of, after all. On the other hand, Scarlett just smiled softly, folding her hands in front of her.