[quote=@Overlord Thraka] [@lmpkio] [@antarctic termite] Mergoux stares in horror at Smudge. "You... you tore is brain out?!" Her shock and revulsion is shown properly due to her lack of helmet/ Anger begins to well up in her at the murder of the man. Even if she didn't like him, this... creature, had still killed someone. She needed to be put down before she hurt someone else. Mergoux draws her crossbow and aims it at Smudge. "Not one step closer you monster. If you've got any last words, speak them now." [/quote] The demon killed him and left his body lying in the dirt with the book. Smudge is just making the best out of a bad situation. ed: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4338906]Here[/url] ed ed: if you like, we can just leave a 'this didn't happen, whoops' note on your post and I'll finish my response and then you can continue from there instead of having to rewrite?