His head covered with his Arbites helm, only his near constant scowl could be seen. As a Judge, he was used to riding and piloting various types of vehicles in his relatively long career. However, flying happened rarely, and he had never ridden in a Thunderhawk before. He was not overly fond of the ride, and though he did not complain, he growled when he heard they were in for a rough landing on the mountains. "Emperor's Mercy," he complained, and held on as they hurtled towards the planet and skidded across the ground like a thrown civilian. Herold gritted his teeth and held on with all of his considerable strength, though he bucked and jarred until they completely stopped. He thanked his patron God when he realized the Thunderhawk remained in one piece, at least for now. He stood up rigidly, and despite the hair-raising landing, moved methodically as if it was all routine. He collected his weapons and met the Sororitas when they were all prepared. He was ready to get out of here to say the least, mostly because of the capacity for an explosion from the Thunderhawk. "Ma'am," he acknowledged, and hefted his Combat Shotgun as he advanced towards the Taurox, fully intending to man the Hunter Killer Launcher. However, if his co-pilot did not have experience driving a Taurox, he supposed he would need to. He'd always had a calm and steady hand in tense situations. Then again, that might be what was best for the weapon of large destruction they would be driving around. "Drive or fire?" he asked Adrianne as he marched.