[Centre][b][h1][color=orange]Barca[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lukh3cZ0sz1qkq5mv.gif[/img][/centre] Barca carried nothing with him, why would he, when he already had a room? His father had already arranged it, and Barca wasn’t one to lug things with him. He fully expected to just breeze through this academy. What could he learn, that he didn’t already know? He drove to the school in his own vehicle, shamelessly ignoring signs- why would he bother, when he already knew what they said? -and speeding on ahead, making his way in good time towards the school. He slowed when he reached the grounds, but didn’t enter the school gates, instead, he pulled to a stop. He looked towards the school, not terribly impressed, but he had seen the plans, the working for it all… in his mind. Even now, he could bring it to mind, the entire layout of the school… He closed his eyes and sighed a little wearily, taking himself to the part of his mind that wasn’t overrun with information. Sometimes, even with his incredible will power and consciousness, Barca enjoyed not having to shift through countless information to hear his own thoughts. He sighed heavily, and leaned back in his chair. Why would he want to be the first one there? Then he wouldn’t be able to appear important. Letting his abilities range, he touched the minds of several people near him. There weren’t many that appeared interesting enough for his attention. One girl was in agony over her parents, that she might actually meet them… that could be fun. As he searched for information about this girl in his mind, this Phoebe, he was shocked to find that there was nothing written down about her, not even a birth certificate, or even a student file that would connect her to super parents aside from one note, written by Pamela Isley; A.K.A Poison Ivy. Frowning over that lack of information, he moved onto the next person. Some guy was chanting [i]'I'm Frank fricking Sage. I can handle this.'[/i] in his head, and Barca rolled his eyes at the almost child-like behaviour, not even bothering to search further into his store of mind for anything else about him, figuring dealing with the guy would be tedious at best, and downright agonising at worst. One boy... one boy he couldn't even seem to get a read on. He frowned over that, trying to find a way in, but not succeeding. It was like trying to hold onto air, it just parted around his fingers and left him with nothing. Now that certainly was interesting... the boy didn't seem to even notice his presence, was he aware that he could do what he was? Leaving the boys thoughts, Barca was rather thoughtful for a few moments, pondering over what he had learned so far, and how he could use it to his own advantage. And thoughtful on why that boy was immune to his telepathy. Shaking his head, he once more began to dip into others minds, not finding anything wrong with doing that. He hastily retreated from one guys mind, who was going a little moony over his cats- Cats for goodness sake! He opened his eyes, his gaze turning towards his white owl, in his cage. Glaber. The rather gorgeous owl was asleep, and Barca knew the animal would be until night. He’d take the owl over any other animal any day. Sighing, he returned to his spying, everything he gathered from those he read being stored away, for later use. If it was worth it, of course. One girl was getting a little philosophical [i]Everyone was special, and no one was special[/i]. He laughed aloud at those words. If only she knew. Chuckling to himself, he made a move to get out the car, stopping as he saw a limo pull up nearby. He raised an eyebrow, wondering who was important enough to warrant an escort in a limo. He focused his telepathy on the limo, and the girl within it, not even bothering to follow the conversation she seemed to be having with her mother, at least not having it being his focus. Why bother, when he didn’t know if it was worth it yet? The girl seemed to thinking about… Africa? That was enough to intrigue his interest- there were only a few supers he knew off that were from Africa. For a brief moment, he tuned into the conversation the two appeared to be having, following the girl’s thoughts as he did so. Sadly, the conversation seemed to be a lecture of some sort from the girl’s mother and Barca sighed softly. He waited for the girl to get out, before doing so himself, watching her with two lions. He retrieved Glaber from the back seat, carrying the cage by his side, he waited a moment or two before following the girl, a little wary about the lions… although he supposed he could always blast them away if he wanted to. So, what did he have to fear?