[@mdk] Just because Morgan freeman and the black science man exist that doesn't mean it's not hard for minorities to achieve their full potential and while tumblr-tards exaggerate it """institutional racism""" is still present, even if it's more or less unnoticeable. [quote]@Andreyich Ethno-nationalism cannot comprehend morgan freeman Don Lemon is gay so he cant race-mix.[/quote] I don't know your foreign TV personalities except my two favourite ones so I'm afraid I don't have a clue what you're actually referring to. [quote]Sure, though most critiques I'd have with it are ones I'd have about it, stem from reality itself. Individualism can suck, for the lazy, dumb, envious and it sucks for those that do start with a bad hand, but most people do have the opportunity to change. But blaming others is a good solution too. That or the corruption, that would come from any government or society, because some people suck. But as pessimistic as I usually am, I'd like to think most people want the same things in life and are generally decent people. And because libertarian governments are oh too wacky (and is bound to be a meme for merely mentioning them.) Free market capitalism, is the best we got. Because nothing is perfect. (exactly why the idea of 'equal for all' while no one works and yet live in a utopia, being possible is the damn stupidest thing I've ever heard.) :/[/quote] I don't think that is the only possible critique of it. With it corporations control government much more than should ever be possible and with protectionism that becomes bigger and bigger every year it gets worse every year and you reach dystopia ever more. Late stage capitalism is more or less what I'm trying to refer you to, a point at which you have more or less reach ancap and the government is naught but a joke to make CEO's giggle when reminded of it. [quote]Neither should be controlling either. And both are -kind of- controlling both in certain ways today. But I digress...[/quote] Government should control corporations when needed, and I suppose in some rare cases a corporation should do vice versa but the trouble is that corporations are influenced almost solely by the need to make profit, no moral code, no ethic code, nothing else really controls them and if they have the $$$ they don't have to give a shit about any law or rule which we quite often see in all sorts of human rights cases where they more or less use slavery, or destroy the environment as though you can suddenly get a new one. [quote]Weird that the Germans lost then lmao.[/quote] to the entente, though. [quote]Idk, they always seemed to be doing well, considering their lack of general support from allies, and the fact that they are literally engulfed by a superpower that wants them to fail.[/quote] There are also two superpowers that want them to succeed, and no they're not doing well. The only reason they got any shit done was because Castro deported all the criminals, criminally insane, etc. etc. to America so he 1) created a sort of limited eugenics by removing a lot of unlikeables and 2) he removed the aspect of society that is most detrimental yet surprise surprise, America can and is supporting them and yet even with this great load upon them Cuba is still doing worse. Have you ever been to Cuba? [quote=@Darcs] [url]https://www.instagram.com/p/BUXV0GOFHiw/[/url] [/quote] That's also a pretty fucking stupid meme, because the capitalist countries are the best well off in those places; South Africa, Brazil, South Korea.