[hider=Guilt (retired)] [b]Name:[/b] Maya Day [b]Epic Identity:[/b] Guilt [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Faction:[/b] Epic [b]Ability:[/b] [Voidwalker] Guilt's power links her intrinsically to a pocket dimension referred to as the Void. This pocket dimension exists outside of normal space, and it's dimension of time is either non-existent or so slow that it becomes irrelevant. The connection allows Guilt to move objects in and out of this pocket dimension. Any non-living object within sight can be moved into the pocket dimension either as a whole or in part. In similar fashion, any object within Void can be expelled at any point within eyesight. Because of Void's particular properties, objects that are stored within Void do not seem to age at all, even maintaining their momentum and heat. Guilt herself can move through Void, moving instantly to any location within eyesight. For herself, she may also transport herself to any location within a 5-mile radius that she is incredibly familiar with, such as her home. Living beings transported to Void emerge exactly as they entered, from their perspective no time will have passed. [Living Weapon] In an attempt to enhance her combat effectiveness, Guilt has been treated with a variety of drugs and undergone invasive surgery. The positive effects of this treatment is that she's capable of entering a state of hyper-awareness. During combat her reflexes are enhanced beyond what's normally humanly possible. While her actual senses don't improve, her mind is able to consciously process large amounts of sensory data and formulate responses at a much faster rate than normal. Of course these highly experimental procedures also inflicted a number of debilitating conditions, detailed below. [b]Weakness:[/b] Living beings. As previously mentioned, Guilt cannot move living beings into the Void except by touching them due to some 'distortion' effect caused by any living being. Teleporting something within half a meter of a living being is impossible, with the exception of things that Guilt is within about 5cm of (she can still move things in and out of her hands). Non-powered beings create a stronger distortion effect for unknown reasons. It's impossible to transport a normal at all, and their 'distortion field' extends out for 3m instead of 1/2. Physical contact with a normal (including them touching her clothing) will negate her powers completely. A second weakness has nothing to do with her Epic ability. The same drugs and treatments that granted her the state of hyper-awareness badly damaged her body's internal systems. Without the aid of her special gas mask normal oxygen is poisonous to her, incapacitating and eventually killing her if she's exposed. In addition she requires access to a variety of medical drugs, and while most of these are relatively easy to acquire her need for a constant supply allows others to predict her movements. If one could track down where she gets these supplies, they could ambush her. [b]Personality:[/b] Trained as a soldier and a killer, Guilt considers herself more of a 'weapon' than a 'person.' She measures her value purely in her effect on the world, no more and no less. This focus on her effect on the world causes her to ignore her value as a 'person', her own emotions and thoughts are flaws, obstacles to be overcome. As a weapon without a master she shows little to no compassion, incapable of connecting to other people on an emotional level, and she hunts down any perceived criminal without mercy. Even the slightest crimes often warrant death in her eyes. Secretly she dislikes making decisions, yearning for the days when the world was more simply, and all she had to do was obey the orders of her superiors. However, she distrusts anyone from this new city. Her experience has left her with a strong dislike of Freaks, and a severe respect for military and scientific instalments. She also seems mildly obsessed with family values, becoming inordinately distressed when exposed to children without parents because it reminds her of her own situation. She has trouble classifying other Epics and Freaks, partially people and partially weapons. She often shows Freaks less compassion than they deserve, although on a conscious level she realizes that this bias is not founded in logic. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/101480965/large.jpg[/img] [b]Background: [/b] Back when Epics and Freaks first began showing up all around the world, the Earth's governments were scrambling for a solution. Nuclear weaponry was useless against an enemy that had no homeland, that could appear within one's own population. The Epics were impossible to control through normal means, and even harder to predict. And traditional weaponry was failing to do anything more than slow down the hordes of Monsters now threatening the entire human race. What government it was, where it was done, who was in charge... details such as this have been lost to time. But one of the proposed countermeasures was a group of powerful Epics raised in an environment of deprivation and isolation, trained to obey orders without question. Only Epics could be used to defeat the Monsters, and only Epics could be used to control the Epic population. With little other options to turn to, the unnamed secret project sped to work. Chosen for the potential value of her Epic ability, Maya was taken from her home and placed within this facility at the age of 6. Constant testing and experimentation revealed the limits of her ability, and then fought to break those limits. She was trained to fight Epic and Freak targets, to obey the orders of her superiors and to protect the law and order of the land. Throughout her life she was taught that this was what it meant to be a 'hero', that her destiny was to protect and serve. While some of the other subjects encountered a variety of issues, ranging from a lack of cooperation to psychotic breakdowns, Maya was a great success. Almost discarded as a failure, exposure to the chaos caused by the Freaks during a 'combat exercise' caused her to devote herself entirely to the cause. She went through a variety of procedures to become more powerful, and grew to consider the scientists of this facility her family. She would become a 'hero', the weapon these men and women would use to wipe out the Freaks, and reclaim the Earth for humanity. To this end she worked tirelessly, in the process becoming a rather formidable killing machine. Partially through her efforts, the facility managed to maintain intact for a surprisingly long period of time. They fought back against the Freaks and rogue Epics that plagued the land, attempting to maintain the order that had previously ruled. But the wheel of fate could not be halted, merely stalled, and they began losing assets. Other successful subjects died in the field, and the more intelligent creatures began to attack the facility directly. It was only a matter of time. One day Guilt returned from a field mission to find the Facility overrun, and her 'family' slaughtered. After slaying many of these creatures she was forced to flee the scene, injured. Cut off from her former life she spent several years travelling. Eventually she came to Epic City, and decided to make her home here. It was one of the few placed where someone like her sort of 'fit'. Still determined to fulfil her mission she took on the name of Guilt and began ridding the streets of criminals in the only way she knew how. With extreme prejudice. [/hider] [hider=Jack of Spades] [b]Name:[/b] Nikitovich Alexiva Northwald [b]Epic Identity:[/b] the Jack of Spades [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Faction:[/b] Epic (Villain) [b]Ability:[/b] [The Game of Life] A most unusual power, the Jack's power manifests as strange runic script. When applied to the surface it's appearance is like a language that's impossible to read. These runes in fact function as a sort of 'code'. They are capable of storing and performing complex actions. In fact a network of runes forms a sort of 'computer', activating in certain ways when certain triggers are present. The more complex the triggers and actions, the larger the 'network' must be. The runes are capable of detecting triggers through method of 'spatial detection', allowing them to detect anything physical within 10m of the runes themselves. They are incapable of detecting non-physical powers, intangible beings, or thoughts. Large networks can increase their 'detection radius' to up to 50m. They can act within their detection radius, as long as at least one of the runes within the network is within line of sight of the target. Even slight damage to a rune network will destroy it, causing it to discharge any remaining energy. While it is possible for a network of runes to create another network, the created network would be far smaller. And the bigger network would have had to specifically been created for the purpose of creating that specific smaller network. [Borrowed Power] In and of themselves, the runes are useless. However, they are capable of absorbing and storing energy from their surroundings in order to power their abilities. The stored energy can be directed through the runes, often to attack others. Most networks are only capable of absorbing and redirecting a single type of energy. Usually only kinetic energy is absorbed and redirected, powered by the gravitational pull and rotation of the planet. However, with a different energy source, different effects can be achieved. Such as a solar-powered network which shoots lasers. Other Epics and Freaks can be used as power sources, with their life force drained for them. Such a network would in fact be able to use that Epic's power. However, parts of the Network would have to be engraved directly onto the source's body, and as such the source would have to be unconscious or heavily restrained for an extended period of time for this to work. If absolutely necessary, it is possible for the Jack to convert his own lifeforce into energy, refilling the energy a network is supposed to manipulate at the cost of his own physical well-being. This is a last-ditch power. [b]Weakness:[/b] True love negates any energy directed by networks, and instantly drains networks that physically contact the source. [b]Personality:[/b] An arrogant and twisted figure, who's true goal is to spread misery and suffering. He despises those without power for being born 'lesser', and delights in the agony of others. Especially those he considers his inferior. He believes that this world belongs to the strong, but brute strength is not strength at all. Instead, he believes cunning is the greatest 'strength' of all. Those who only face him with brute force will be met with scorn, but those who manage to outwit him may earn his respect. Strangely, despite being a villain, he respects the High greatly for their power. However, he is all too willing to 'test' their 'chosen heroes' within this city, and wishes to one day be feared and worshipped much like the High are. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://s2.narvii.com/image/ned3tdsqfeks6h4spr6k3l7okdorpy7m_hq.jpg[/img] [b]Background:[/b] Born with his power, Alexiva always knew that he was better. Even without his power he was smarter than anyone around him, and loved to prove it. His family couldn't keep up with him as he shattered all expectations. The boy wonder at the end of the world. When his power was revealed, he was only placed on a higher pedestal. When monsters tried to slay those around him he slaughtered them. Not because he cared. But because he revelled in the worship of those lesser humans. Because he relished the sensation of being... better. Of knowing that their lives were entirely his. It didn't take long before he became the leader of the community, although 'tyrant' would be a more accurate statement. Playing with the lives of those within his domain for nothing more than his own amusement. As time went on his games became worse and worse. No longer was he content to simply sit at the top. He had to prove his superiority, viscerally. With ease he separated families, slaughtering anyone who rebelled against him. The few other Epics in the area stood no chance against him. They merely rushed to attack him, when he had planned out their demise from the start. Indeed, even those blessed with power were unworthy of him. He saw himself as a God among humans, a blessing bestowed upon the Earth. All those upon this world were nothing more than pawns, to be used and discarded. Nothing more than toys. And when he got bored with he toys, he played a final game. He broke them all. Of course, it was inevitable that he would come to Epic City. The establishment created by the High. Nowhere else in the world could one find such a dense population of humans with so little problems. A perfect throne for him to sit on. When he strode in, it was with the confidence that he would slaughter the High, and take his rightful place at the absolute top. That smug attitude lasted for all of fifteen seconds. In such a short amount of time he had managed to piss off one of the higher-ranked Epics in the city. He never even met the High, and yet it was him that was defeated. It was only then that Nikitovich realized he had never been all that powerful. While certainly a big fish, he had been a big fish in a small pond. Now he was in the ocean, and he was challenging sharks. Not to speak of the slumbering dragon that he had dared considering his enemy. No, he was no match for the High. Realizing the truth threw him into despair. He could not accept that he had been defeated so easily. But in time he was forced to. And, even as he realized the immense gap between himself and his betters, he also realized his role in the world. This was merely his true testing grounds. Here he would test those who claimed to be 'heroes', and he would be tested in turn. This was his 'starting line'. Here he would prove the truth behind his words, he would show the world that he was truly worthy to inherit the throne. One day, he would be a member of the High. No, he would rule over them all. But that was not this day. First, he would need to defeat those who had stopped him before, the 'heroes' of Epic City. And he would show them all that it was him, and not they, who would ascend to Godhood. [/hider] [hider=Vassals of the Jack] The 'Team Epsilon' created by the Jack of Spades. More will be added later on the other two members. [h3]Emblem[/h3] First of the Epsilon supers, Emblem is the most powerful. His 'Network' is composed of tattoos covering his entire body, and as such the power of the Networks is far greater. He was intended to be the most powerful of the team, the iconic figurehead. Because of this his powers are designed so as not to let him lose. [b]'Flight' Network[/b] This network absorbs power from surrounding kinetic energy. It's constantly drawing on Emblem's own gravity, which makes him lighter on his feet without even using up energy. Obviously, actual energy is required to fly. Flight allows Emblem to move quickly through the air, he's able to accelerate to about 80km/h if given some time. Over the short term this ability can be used to boost his agility and movement, even on the ground, as he's able to ignore things like gravity when they're inconvenient. This power, as a form of gravity manipulation, also allows him to boost his own gravity when necessary to deliver devastating blows. A full-speed dive-bomb attack can dent a half-foot plate of steel with no significant harm to the user. The network is based mainly on the torso and legs, and wounds to those areas can disrupt this ability. [b]'Strength' Network[/b] An addition boost to his other abilities, this network draws on the kinetic energy of attacks directed against Emblem which mildly boosts his Toughness while charging up. This network grants Emblem superhuman strength. His upper limit is the ability to exert 1 ton of pressure, but he can't maintain that for more than 30 seconds before this Network runs out of power. The force exerted by this network is focused on his arms, but can hypothetically be added to his legs too at about 80% efficiency. Because the force isn't generated by actual muscles it can be used in ways that actual muscles cannot, such as ignoring leverage. If necessary this network can also be used in order to absorb impacts by countering a kinetic force with an equal and opposite force. However, this can only be done against impacts to the arms or legs. [b]'Defense' Network[/b] This network isn't actually on Emblem at all, but rather on his armour. It is designed to function similar to the ability possessed by Achilles, but is less powerful. Because of this actually piercing the armour is incredibly difficult, as it's able to oppose and negate up to a maximum of 1 ton. Of course, it can't do this often, and repeated attacks will wear down the Network's 'battery'. The Network protects his entire body, not just the areas with armour, and the armour doesn't work for anyone who hasn't been 'enhanced' with Networks. [b]'Martyr' Network[/b] As leader, Emblem cannot be allowed to use. That's why this network offers a 'final solution'. Emblem is capable of recharging his Networks using his own lifeforce. This will cause significant damage to himself, and may even kill him, but it's intended to insure that if he is defeated it will at least cost the enemy dearly. Effectively, this Network was designed to turn him into a martyr. Hence the name. Using this Network keeps all other Networks at max power, but he'll kill himself within a minute and be seriously injured if he uses it for more than 10 seconds. [h3]Dusk[/h3] Second-most-powerful, Dusk is a keeper. He's the assassin of the team, and despite not having more Network power than other members his skill makes him second only to Emblem in lethality. [b]'Darkness' Network[/b] This Network is Dusk's signature power. He can create darkness in order to confuse enemies. He's able to exclude any and all frequencies of light, but he usually uses it in conjunction with his infrared goggles. This allows him to see the enemy, but prevents the enemy from seeing him. The Network is placed on his arms, and reaches up to his shoulders. He can cover an area at max of 10m in diameter, but he can only maintain this for about 30 seconds. [b]'Focus' Network[/b] A Network based around this eyes, this is literally laser-eyes. Yes. In reality it doesn't look nearly as cool as it does in the movies, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous. The attack is nearly invisible, and possesses enough power to seriously burn flesh after less than a second of exposure. Locking eyes with Dusk is a sure way to go blind. He uses this in order to blind enemies from long-range, mostly. [b]Skills[/b] Unlike the other two, Dusk is a former soldier who survived on the outside. He's an incredibly skilled marksman and hand-to-hand fighter. His experience and dedication make him unflinching in the face of danger, and a harsh life has made him cold enough to kill without hesitation. This makes all of the difference in a fight. Don't underestimate Dusk just because he lacks direct-combat powers, his skill and reflexes make him the second in the team in terms of power. [h3]Inferno[/h3] Far weaker than the other two, Inferno is likely the least powerful member of the group. A position contested only by Achilles, who's lack of offensive power makes him potentially less threatening. ['Heat' Network] This network drains heat from the surrounding area, especially around Inferno. It doesn't actually decrease the heat produced by flames, but rather absorbs the infrared radiation. It means that flames feel less hot unless you're actually touching them. This helps protect Inferno and minimise collateral damage. This network is capable of igniting the gasses around Inferno, as well as allowing her to burn things just by touching them. The Network covers her lower arms. ['Control' Network] This is the network that actually moves around the gasses. It's placed on the shoulders and upper arms, and it's main feature is moving around the burning gas. It doesn't have much force, but not much force is needed to move around a gas. It's range is 10m, but focused bursts of gas can allow her to attack beyond that range with blasts of fire. A secondary feature of this network is that it wards off smoke from Inferno's lungs, as well as preventing superheated air from touching her body. This is the main feature that protects her from heat. [/hider]