[hr][hr][h1][center][color=662d91]Elissa Isley[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/b73f089d6e033127672ccc2bc5de8139/tumblr_obrmskmaoX1vzb108o1_400.gif[/img] Location: Port of Tortuga - The King's Arm [/center][hr][hr] Elissa laughed,[color=662d91]"Of courze, let's ko in already".[/color] She followed her friend inside, and knew that Aravis hardly loved anything more than to hear tales of the sea. Elissa enjoyed telling them to her, especially since her friend got the two of them drinks. The sounds coming from the tables made her smile more, since she had been away from a real town for a while now. She kind of was eager to return to sea, but right now she was content being in the company of her friend. Elissa thought about what to tell Aravis, since there were so many stories, she didn't know where to start as she sat down at a table to talk with her friend. [color=662d91]"Ve did ein lot of bluntering und billaging as ve vent on our vay across zee ocean, cauzing terror vereffer ve vent. Arh ! It vas only ein matder of time pefore zee Naffy caught up to us. I vas ein crew memper on poard zee Nebtune's Horror, und ein fine schip sche vas. Arh ! Ven zee Naffy caught up to us, it did not end vell for half zee crew. Ve vere atdacked, und effentually poarted py zem. Arh ! Zee Cabtain yelled to brepare for pattle und ve schtruck zee insdance zey kot on poard. Zefferal mempers had already peen killed py cannon fire, und zefferal others died during zee svord fighting, incluting zee Cabdain. Arh ! Ve managed to get zem off of our schip, und ve managed to bull avay from zem. Vith half zee crew dead, und nein one vanting to fix her up, zee crew vas dispanted und zee schip vas zold. Arh ! Zadtens me, put at least I could zee you, und maype look for another crew to choin,"[/color] she said as she told Aravis of the last ship she was apart of. Elissa continued smiling, but eventually thought of something else. [color=662d91]"I haffe more tales, put in orter to hear zoze Araffis, you haffe to keep up your end of zee parkain und ko get us zome drinks,"[/color] she said, and then decided to get a better look at the room around them. The five men she had seen when she had entered with Aravis had now been joined by a woman. She clearly wasn't like so many others in the room, but she decided not to pay too much attention to her. Elissa was here to catch up with an old friend, and that was exactly what she planned to do.