[@thewizardguy][@Bluetommy] Shatter shook his head. "I was expected back by now. If any more delay prevents Nudd's death, and thus my return, I can guarantee either more Freaks, strong ones like Nightmare, will come. And that's a best case scenario. It's also possible that the High Venom herself will come. And that, I'm afraid to say, would equate to your death, Nudd's, and likely mine. Comet would be lucky to escape some form of reprimand, though it's not out of the question." He disappeared, rematerializing closer to the woman. "Kindly step out of this engagement. This is my final request. If you don't, I will remove you from the scene myself. I'm not inclined to die today because of another. I assume you're intelligent enough to see reason here." His arms spread wide. One might say he looked pleading, if he had a proper face. "Either way, Comet, I think it's time you ended Nudd," he said, obviously giving a not so subtle order.