Edge nodded as Fia approached sighing. "It's alright... I should be more careful, not used to a female room mate yet I suppose." He explained offer her one of the wooden swords as moved to the far end of the mat. "Well if your as good a marksman as I think you are we ought to have one hell of a workout." He smiled and moved forward beginning with a long sweeping blow towards her to drive her back. Edge was calmer to he didn't seem flustered or as quite now, silver eyes focused on her scanning for how she would move and what to react to. This was going to be quite the duel, he could tell already. [hr] Outside the boats had stopped arriving and the attendants and student tour guides retired back to their rooms. The dorms filled up and with every student in their rooms and accounted for they readied for classes tomorrow with teacher briefings on each student in the class and the powers they knew of. After that days of school began, students attending classes and following courses prescribed for them. Social circles formed and the student council began it's year bickering over the fall festival. Yet things remained rather normal... Or as normal as school full of magical creature controlling teenagers can be. Five weeks into the school year sign up day arrived. Students would be able to face off in a tournament against one another with prizes of spending money and passes to go Honolulu for a full day whenever they liked. Though the top grand prize for the winner remained unknown for now, many speculated on it. Veronica and Edge had been in a heated argument over the grand prize behind closed doors apparently. More publicly, she had been trying to ban Edge and Auriel from competing in the fight claiming that they were to experience and to strong for any new comer to have a hope of defeating. With that setting tone, sign up day loomed and this year it seemed one of the stronger fighters would forced to sit out of the matches.