[@Andreyich] But that's not how it realistically works in practice, so that's meaningless...also what's a "big business" to you? Because there's a lot of nonsense we could go into with that...(Like Bernie Sanders and the "50" employees needs to provide medical benefits thing. Why specifically that number? There is no reason for it.) No one should be penalized for making money and becoming successful. It's a ludicrous idea. Also, because you already dived into the "trolling opinion is lul" pool. I'm not wasting my time with "oh so joking" opinions am I? (That's a problem with "ha, look bait so clever" things on the internet, you immediately lose the ability to be taken seriously ever.) Because I reply to it, not because I buy that it's a real opinion or not, I comment because if anyone believes it, you intentionally or not made someone dumber as a result. Since spreading misinformation for lulz, is cancerous and idiotic and it makes the less intelligent believe in vaccines causing autism or pot being remotely good for you...