Although anyone can join, this thread was created at the request of [url=]The Kindred[/url] and the [url=]Cult of Lycholme[/url]. One group seeks to release an ancient dwarven lich upon Ecetopia while the other seeks to destroy the ancient evil. The setting is the subcontinent of Rzail, where most things are dead and living is difficult. There have been rumors of bones shambling over the dunes, but so far nothing definitive has been revealed. In order to not make this an immediate race to the boss, I decided to just start off with a clue and we can go from there. Pings: [list][*]Kindred: [@Silvan Haven], [@Lyla], [@coyotelovely], [@Ashevelendar], [@Arawak], [@t2wave] [*]Cult of Lycholme: [@Pyromaniacwolf], [@JaceBeleren], [@Sophrus], [@Overlord Thraka], [@Circ][/list] Now what fun would this be without some kind of [b]prize[/b] to for the victors?! So ... !!! If the Cult win, they'll get: [list][*][b]Karnorouni[/b][/list] If the Kindred win, they'll get: [list][*][b]Ez-Lye Shrine[/b][/list] If a third party comes in and wins, they get to choose from either of the prizes. [hr] [center][h1][color=red]Karnorouri[/color][/h1][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Karnorouri [b]Species:[/b] Dwarf [b]Class:[/b] Lich [b]Type:[/b] [i]Critical NPC[/i]; cannot be auto-killed, must be treated with the same respect as a player character; may be played by any member of the possessing group. [b]Influence:[/b] [b]5[/b] [i](global)[/i]; while not incredibly powerful himself, Karnorouri is able to grant considerable boons upon his allies. [b]Description:[/b] Weak from his long imprisonment, Karnorouri is hesitant to abandon the protection of his familiar subterranean abode. Instead, he elects to act through proxies. Eventually, he hopes, through sacrifice and ritual he will be restored to his former glory. In the meantime, he sits in the dark on a throne of stone, an dwarf of an age beyond reckoning, in tattered gray robes. Even so, he is quite capable of empowering those who act on his behalf. [b]Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:[/b] [list][*][sup]( 6 )[/sup] [b]Word: True Undeath[/b] -- Karnorouri may restore to full vitality and power any slain ally regardless of the extent or length of their injuries. Their wounds will still be visible and horrid. Their sanity will be briefly frayed by the terrors of the realm of the dead and the agony of their dark resurrection.[/list] [list][*][sup]( 5 )[/sup] [b]Word: Tenuous Obscura[/b] -- Karnorouri may cast an aura of darkness on an ally allowing them to, for up to an hour during the day or an entire evening, pass through physical objects or have physical objects pass through them. While under this effect, parts of their body, up to the whole, that they choose to become insubstantial will visually appear as a black fog.[/list] [list][*][sup]( 5 )[/sup] [b]Lich[/b] -- His soul bound to an ancient holy site, Karnorouri drew on its power to ensure his immortality and transformed into a lich. With that comes the standard lich fare, such as immunity to the wiles of mortality, such as common diseases, time, drowning, and air temperature. Moreover, he can animate the skeletons of those weak-willed in life and send them out to do his bidding.[/list] [hr] [center][h1][color=green]Ez-Lye Shrine[/color][/h1][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ez-Lye Shrine [b]Class:[/b] Holy Site [b]Type:[/b] [i]Critical Point[/i]; this bonus territory does not count against the three critical points the group is allocated upon creation. [b]Influence:[/b] [b]5[/b] [i](global)[/i]. [b]Description:[/b] A cave deep within the mountains of Ez-Lye that houses bioluminescent vegetation and a subterranean pool fed by a crack in the ceiling. Discovered by druids while Ecetopia was yet young, for centuries it served as a natural sanctuary of worship and healing. [b]Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:[/b] [list][*][sup]( 6 )[/sup] [b]Soul Anchor[/b] -- Those who come in peace may establish a soul anchor with the power to restore their spirits to their bodies should they suffer death. However, to be made whole their remains, no matter the wretchedness of their condition, must be brought to the shrine and mended.[/list] [list][*][sup]( 5 )[/sup] [b]Ward Against Calamity[/b] -- Meditation within the shrine will avail visitors with an aura that can be converted into a barrier. Multiple individuals working in harmony may expand the barrier to gird an entire city under the mantle of its protection. Through this no evil may enter and no harm may come, but it lasts only so long as nature's energy is actively channeled.[/list] [list][*][sup]( 5 )[/sup] [b]Holy Site[/b] -- Released from the taint of Karnorouri and purified, this site is once more holy. As such, no evil may enter. For those pure in soul who venture within its boundaries, no lies may be told nor any crimes committed. Similarly, disease, fatigue, worry, and all the ills of the outside world are suspended, allowing the entrant to recover until they are ready to again take up their burdens and venture out into the world beyond.[/list]