[hr] [center][h1][color=8dc73f]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/700d/f/2016/229/f/a/strawberry_blonde_long_hair_by_rivaan-dae94m5.jpg[/img] Location: Franklin Addition Building C3 -> Building 2 (Mess Hall) [/center] [hr] Everything had went to hell in that one night. Amelia couldn't believe how one moment they could be having a wedding party and very next morning this happened. What... why... This couldn't b.... it was. She swallowed hard, thinking about it. This was their reality now, it shouldn't have came as such a shock to her given her own experiences in the past. This place had made her forget that and now she was reminded of it. Amelia was quietly grieving about the loss of Sana and Bryn, not so much for Richard. She blinked widely as they were informed of Ash's decision on how to deal with James! This was new! The current law should have been death, but exile? Amelia was both glad, confused and maybe a little concerned. [color=8dc73f] “Okey, I will do so...”[/color] She quietly replied to Meg when she showed up, asking her to spread the word of what had transpired. Amelia wasn't sure she'd be the best person for the job, but she was going to do what she could after she grabbed a little bit of a breakfast. A part of her didn't want to get separated from Riley now, but she convinced herself she had to not be selfish in moments like these. [color=8dc73f]“Alright, let's go.”[/color] Amelia said quietly with a nod, trying to sort out the events that happened. Some breakfast would come in quite good, but she really hoped to see James before he has to leave. He was a dear friend too. She liked him a lot and his loss would be great. She could only hope he doesn't end up simply torn to pieces in some dumb event out there or captured by those Eden bastards. Once in the mess hall, Amelia quietly followed Riley when they saw Chloe. She smiled to Chloe, but it was a sad smile, given the circumstances. Still she was glad that the others were alive at the very least. She wanted to say something, but didn't know what could be said in situation like this one. She couldn't comfort Chloe, Riley was doing that, she could't comfort Riley either since she was helping her sister. So she simply had to keep quiet right now and pray for her friends that passed.