[@Demon Shinobi] Marvel just went and made every character they could a minority, and many of them younger characters in general. Iron Man was replaced by a teenaged black girl going by Ironheart, there's still female Thor [which I think her popularity started this trend], X-23 is the new Wolverine, the 'Totally Awesome Hulk' is the 19 year old Asian Amadeus Cho, Smasher was replaced with a female, as was Capt Universe, Capt. America has been Falcon for awhile now, the young time displaced original X-Men had Iceman being retconned as in the closet and gay, and it just goes on and on... I'll hand it to Marvel for putting out a ton of comics with female leads... but all of them were half assed and the majority cancelled. Only the newer ones are still around and hopefully this Marvel:Generations does for Marvel what Rebirth did for DC. The whole idea of a patchwork planet is completely flawed too with people from different Earths being on a single planet? Currency, world leadership, etc. should've all been up in arms in the backdrop.... but instead it's just focusing on making every hero more like a millennial. -00492