Kai stared at the priest blinking a few times as the man seemed to explain his supposed duty, running a hand through his hair he sighed as the priest stared at him, he made no attempt to tense up or hide anything about himself, he just stared back at him with the same blank expression. What he said was meaningless Saitra had already gone on about some kind of duty, even showed him what he should be doing but digging in his ear Kai patiently waited for the one he addressed to speak to him. When she finally spoke he looked up at her and folded his hands behind head as she sent the priest away. [i][color=f7941d]What an interesting turn of events, also do you feel that...it's like we're being watched."[/color][/i] "Nope," Kai said staring ahead. Kai squeezed the bridge of his nose when the woman name Lana spoke to him mentioning herself and Malthael, he supposed hosts were like this when they fully fused, or maybe she was a special case, he had no idea and didn't really care. He was also pretty sure she just called him a spoiled child but now wasn't the time to deal with such things, at the moment this girl was the only one that could answer the questions Saitra refused to answer. It seemed this Lana and her god knew who was inside his head as well, that made this a little easier to explain then. "I'm here for my melons," Kai said simply. "I suppose if I were to name something else it's answers...because my melons were destroyed." [i][color=f7941d]"Would you let go of the melons, look my aim was slightly off."[/color][/i] "Oh yeah your aim was off, a few feet over and you'd owe me a new house," Kai said shaking his head. "Anyway...I just want answers. This god ended up in my head, she made me get her artifact and keeps going on about some great evil, or some beast or something. Look why is this god here and how do I make her go away."