[@Crimmy] [color=00aeef]"I'm from another country, and I like to keep to myself. There's no reason I have to tell my dorm mates about some lady I let use my phone. Look I promise I won't tell anyone on my integrity as a man. Does that comfort you? I hope so I don't have anything other than my word."[/color] Hans said as he slowed down his pace he figured the woman wouldn't stop bothering him one way, or another it would seem. Too think he was having an nice day until some old guy started to chat with him. Those girls weren't so bad in earnest but he still didn't like how they were kind of pushy with him. [color=00aeef]"I'm not going to follow you don't worry I'm going back to my dorm I have no interest in whatever business you're conducting. I'm a simple guy."[/color]