A lot of things were happening at once and Roger was barely able to keep what was in front of him sorted out as it was. However, he got the general sense that they were indeed winning, despite the heavy amount of damage that had been sustained so far. Well sustained by everyone but himself, which he hoped to keep that way. Yeah, there might be some fringe guilt and you might look like an asshole being the one guy to emerge from a fight unscathed, but the benefit of not having to recover from wounds and not costing the military any more money than they were already doing by merely existing outweighed the drawbacks by quite the large margin. That said, he was still thrown off by how nonchalantly Zim was with zipping about the battlefield doing all sorts of crazy shit. It was a very real possibility that any one of his stunts could have ended with him a lump of molten slag left adrift in space, yet he kept on as if none of the damage his framewerk had taken up to this point slowed him down at all. Frankly, it was pretty fucking infuriating. Not only that, he pirouetted in and didn't even bother to stick around long enough to see that all immediate threats were disposed of. "Argh, fuck it!" Roger pulled out a spare cigarette and shoved it in his mouth, smashing the filtered end to the point of unusability. It was more a point of oral fixation rather than any attempt to use drugs to modify his state of mind. Adding more stimulants would only make things worse. Sure Zim might be the best pilot the crew's got, but if anybody had the most experience performing suicidally stupid moves, it was Rooney and goddammit he was going to put it to fucking use. He started by charging ahead full throttle towards the last CWM standing between him and the rear guard of the cruxi forces. But rather than ram into as he might have during the past two battles he had been in, he cut off the boost as he neared the soldier and allowed momentum to carry the machine the rest of the way to point-blank range. This was a rapid approach, not a crash. From here, the plan was to shove the barrel of Yeager's machinegun into torso/cockpit/core/whatever of the CWM and figuratively pump its guts full of lead. How to proceed from there was an issue that could be resolved later. [hr] TL;DR Move to J7->Attack J7