[i]"Flee to the content of your flighty heart, but I..."[/i] The great cat rumbled in tone as it shifted between real and unreal again, paying momentary pause to note the strange, almost twisted new company of a black being, "I will lie in wait." "As for you, if I need contend with you as well, I shall." The beast turned to confront it's more startling company, at least in comparison to say, Major Stryker. Not to say either were expected, but a man in a flight suit was a more readily accepted fact than some sort of apparent black demon; it was all too familiar to the other dark things the aspect had confronted, but whatever it was, it seemed to be its own. "Whoever or whatever it is, assume nothing of its appearance." The Harbinger of Ferocity said plainly, brow narrowed and golden eyes focused. It was going to make no assumptions on this day as to who was who or who [i]what.[/i] [@BrokenPromise][@UnknownScarlet4]