[i]The Rousting of the Failed Lord Sunwalker[/i] [b]Lord Governor Darius Brighteye Sunwalker of Paledune, the Sultan of Paradise (15 - 85)[/b] [quote=Guildmaster Emillian Brenton Rastava, House Haedulus, the Goldleaf, 56]As I write these words, I find myself reminiscing upon the past. I have called Paradise home for nearly twenty-five years, though I had planned my stay for a mere two or three. Enchanted, I was, by the bright sun and the beauteous feathered coats of the buntings during mating season. What was initially a brief trip stretched on, as I discovered just what potential lay in the Paledunes capitol. Silk, one of my initial offerings to the city, became the cloth of choice for many of the city's inhabitants. While my other wares brought modest returns, the silk fled as if burned, sold within a day. Patrons of the fabric clamored for more: the weavers of Verenteus are the finest in the world, their silk renowned for its quality. My apologies to any who may one day read my words. My purpose today is not to recount my life, as my younger self was wont to do. That foolish youth has departed my soul for brighter stars, sent thus by the death of my dear friend. Though my wife and children console me in times of darkness, the loss of Dalleio has cut me to the depths of my core. I have lost a brother, one whom I will follow gladly into the sky above when my time arrives. His child, Aedius, is no more like his father than a raisin is like a grape. I am gladdened, then, that he has been removed from the throne. Few could have proven more disastrous for the country than Aedius Starseer. The boy approached my guild some months past, seeking funding for an ambitious project which was doomed from the start. When I spurned him, his impudent highness spat in my face, and cursed my name. He had forgotten how I once rode with him to Verenteus, how I clothed him and his father in the best my country had to offer. I loved him as I love my own sons. But no longer. Three days past, Lord Darius Sunwalker returned to Paradise. The day was one of chaos and change. I begged my wife to keep our children locked within the safety of our home, then I stepped out into the light. Soldier marched past. I knew their aim was to take the Capitol. There had been whispers about for days of such a revolution. [...] By day's end, Aedius had been deposed. He came to me, then, at the gate of my guild. I said nothing as he begged me for aid, nor did I acknowledge that such a man had even visited. My connection to the noble house of Sunwalker ended that day.[/quote]