[center][img]https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/astrology-icons/512/juno-128.png[/img][/center] Hera sat on the throne that needed much repair. Built by Rhoecus the elder in stunning bronze, the throne was one of her favorite things. Now at her behest, one of his descendants. She'd found him in Rome of all places, worshipping the interpretation of herself named Juno by painting her almost obsessively. She glanced down at the bowl of water on her lap. There was a woman in a rather inconvenient dress nearing the mountain. Her brilliant eyes narrowed for a moment before a reminiscent grin took her features. She couldn't quite remember her lineage, whether she was the daughter of Helios or the daughter of Hecate, but she knew she quite liked the woman. [color=ed145b]"Rhoecus Younger, I have a task for you."[/color] She called to a young boy, no more than fifteen winters. He peaked up meekly from a mass of brown curls before carefully setting down his paint brush. [color=ed145b]"Please, I would like you to deliver, let's say..."[/color] Hera tilted her head, a mass of golden waves shimmering lightly with the movement. [color=ed145b]"Let's say one hundred white peacocks to her lovely home in Aeaea. Oh, but maybe that would be too much. What do you think?"[/color] She asked conversationally. The boy provided better company than her husband. His loyalty was unwavering and his love for her was unparalleled. She even had to save him on one occasion from Zeus, who in a fit of jealousy, struck the boy with lightning.