On June 6, 1944–celebrated as “D-Day”–the Allied began a massive invasion of Europe, landing 156,000 British, Canadian and American soldiers on the beaches of Normandy, France. In response, Hitler poured all his county's remaining resources into finding a way to truly obliterate the Allied Forces and to have Germany to permanently be the unstoppable Force in all the world. So, with all his other officers either fighting or surrendering, he looked towards his researchers and with surprise, they found a way to do it: An ancient legend from a lost Civilization talking about an ancient powers Derived from lost Gods, some even pre-dating the Creation of the Universe. All he needed to do was sacrifice the one thing: 10,000 willing Souls in one place. So, in a desperate motion, the Fuhrer gathered loyal civilians and soldiers and had them drink a poison crafted by German hands. Then, by the Blood of the willing, the sky turned red and a portal opened in Munich, and through it the head of Ayi'ig the Serpent Goddess, the hand of B’gnu-Thun the Soul-Chilling Ice-God, and the Smoke of Sho-Gath, the Now called God in the box(Formerly known as The god hidden in the smoke.). Allied Forces arrived to see the gods Awakening. The Fuhrer ordered the gods to strike out against the Allies, who have now recoiled in terror. The beasts grinned Monsterous smiles and stormed throughout Germany, killing and wiping out those who opposed the might of the Great Fuhrer!! But not everything was lost. For you see, the researchers on Hitler's staff read that after the Gods are finished with the command, they would destroy all of Humanity and consume their damned souls! So, with the Fate of Humanity in thier hands, the Researchers decided to harness the power of the Great Ones and fought them off, wiping them off the Earth and sealing them back into the Void they came from, at the cost of themselves. But in doing so, the barrier between our dimension and countless others was broken, allowing new and complex races to appear on Earth, warping both the world to inhabit the new races and surprising Humanity! So, in respect of the new inhabitants of the planet, a worldwide peace meeting(Without Hitler) was made. So on September 13, 1944..... The Human Peace Accords was created. Seeing this, the Felinari, Dreks, and Demons all decided to remain on our Earth, making the Earth a bustling hub in the middle of a Dimensional Highway. But with great discovery comes unfortunate consequences........ Thanks to Hitler's attempt for unlimited power, the other sealed gods Awakened, discovering their prison no longer an unbreakable area. But the Great Ones saw that they're still chained, but awake. So, with that, they all began to pool their collective power and leaked a dark smoke called Corruption, which brings us to now, the January 1, 2045.