And because everything that could possibly go wrong should and must go wrong, the company in the church began their search party through the aisles. A sinking feeling plopped itself in the pit of Araerys's stomach as the drake soon found Ceria, prone and completely vulnerable beside the pew. By some miracle, the human had completely slipped past her, so she was safe, for the moment. She knew she needed to do something to help the elven girl, but not wanting a repeat of their last combat so soon, she wasn't too keen on attacking it right away. Additionally, there was a burning curiosity to find out what it was that they were chanting at on the altar. Caught in a moment of split decision, Ary followed her initial instinct and repeated the hand gestures she employed only moments ago. By her will, a distracting [i]pop![/i] resounded from just behind the drake, hopefully making him jolt and look away, even if only for a few moments. It should be enough of a distraction to give Ceria time to react, and enough cover for her to sneak further up the aisle. She didn't wait to see it's reaction, however, and immediately began to make her way towards the alter. She was careful to try and be as stealthy as possible, though in her curiosity and spiked adrenaline, she wasn't really sure how loud she was being. [hider=Stuff]Ary casts Minor Illusion at the Drake to make a distracting noise from behind it, then tries to sneak up to the alter in the aisle the human was in with a sad [url=]8[/url]. [@Ermine] is up next! [@JBRam2002][/hider]