[code]Important Message From ፈዳኡᎅፀዐᎄ ሡቺኦህቺዶ[/code] [indent][code] From: The Digimon Kaiser Date: ቹጆጆዑዲ To: Arianna 'Ryan' Mayez Subject: Important Message From ፈዳኡᎅፀዐᎄ ሡቺኦህቺዶ[/code][/indent] [indent][indent][code]Here is the document you asked for... don't show anyone else :-)[/code][/indent] [sub][color=85afd1][h3]r y a n m a y e z[/h3][/color][/sub][/indent] [i]А. Б. В. Г. Д...--,[/i] Ryan's thoughts stumbled. [i]was it Д or Г? D before G? Or... No! Fuck! Stupid Brandon.[/i] Her right hand slid down the leather strap of her satchel, fingers working abysmal tension against the smooth leather. Her teacher drilled the alphabet into them all last year. How could she have forgotten over Summer Break? She had never felt so stupid during class. No, that was a lie. She probably had, but she was not about to admit it. It was all that stupid [i]fucking[/i] Brandon's fault. She was gushing over him the entire time during class. She had not been able to concentrate on any of her other classes, either. He was only in [i]one[/i] of her classes. [i]One class![/i] The rest of the semester could [b]not[/b] go on like this. Because, [i]dammnit,[/i] even Johnny Lee had noticed. [i]Ugh! Not Johnny![/i] Whatever, it didn't matter. It [i]super[/i] did not matter. Tomorrow was a new day, and the First Day of School was always guaranteed to be the worst. [i]Whatever.[/i] She was a big girl. She could get over it. One way or another, anyways. Besides, Lunch was next; and she could recuperate then; and maybe the day would suck le-- [color=85afd1]"Oof,"[/color] Ryan tumbled steps backwards. A scrawny Freshman had bumped into her, jostling her bag and knocking her several steps to the side. Her black shoes skidded silently and awkwardly against the tile flooring of the school hallway. Another student, nearby, who had not expected her body to move in such a manner pressed against her by accident, mumbling some insult about her motor skills. It had not even been her fucking fault. And then, again, another student mistakenly pushed her with his shoulder. No comment was necessary to show the guy was annoyed with her placement. [color=85afd1]"What the heck?"[/color] Curse words restraining in the caution retorting from Ryan's mouth when she turned her body to face the culprit as he finished trying to pin his shitty walking skills onto her. Seriously, where did this guy even learn to walk? What a guppy! And, God, she knew Freshmen were the worst. For fucksake, she was a bloody Freshman last year, but [i]what the fuck?[/i] Her eyes focused on a small boy, wearing pants too big for body. He had just tried sprouting some sort of injustice-toned nonsense from his body like he hadn't just caused her to get run into two other times on account of his ridiculous walking. What was he doing -- reading his stupid school map? [i]So typical![/i] If he was not going to learn, now, he might as well be one of those third-degree murderers driving down the interstates with no clue how many people he was about to kill. [color=85afd1]"Do you not know how to w--..."[/color] Ryan's voice fell flat as she finally looked into the eyes of none other than th-that [i]Stupid Brat.[/i] Go. Fucking. Figure. Her fist tightened as she took in several, slow deep breaths. The white collar around her neck felt tight, and God, he was so lucky they were at school. She relaxed her fist, and her posture straightened as she re-positioned the strap of her messenger bag on her shoulder. Her hands tugged at the bottom of her maroon jacket, realigning it with her body. Her catty grooming might as well have been a visage to keep her patient with the situation because she was angry -- angry and embarrassed. Her skirt was all too modestly female and showing off the school uniform's calf-high socks, complete with those Godawful Mary Jane shoes, which were definitely [b]not[/b] her combat boots. This was the last outfit she would want Bart to see her in. Baalmon would have been more preferable... Plus, out of all the people to run into her. [i]Bartholomew Mathers.[/i] Oh! And, God, he [i]still[/i] looked just as nerdy and juvenile with that vain attempt to look prestigious and witty, even without his glasses. His round face, which, okay, may be a little bit more angular still had the baby cheeks. Maybe it was just his lack of nerd-frames. Whatever, his voice was still the same. What did she expect, though? It was not as if he would blossom into a Brandon overnight even if he had gotten [i]a little[/i] taller. Bart was on the same level of Johnny Lee, if not worse. He'd never blossom. He was going to be stuck like a potato forever. Poor guy. [i]No, not poor guy. He's a little runt who deserves no sympathy.[/i] Ryan narrowed her eyes, pinching her lips together in frustration. She was not going to let this little dweeb ruin her School Year. He had better find a better route to go wherever the fuck he was going or so help her, [color=85afd1]"I go to school here, you idiot!"[/color] Her voice was low and harsh. Bart was never one for asking smart questions, and she could never stop herself from answering them. Her lips pressed back together, mocking some intimidation as if she had some razor sharp insult to throw at him, [color=85afd1]"Now, w-wa-w..."[/color] Ryan's eyes suddenly softened and widened as a larger framed student came from behind Bart. Her words instantly retracted back into her mouth, which tugged back from its scowl and into something more melancholy. The firmness of her brows dipped. No, no. This wasn't happening. This was so not happening. But, it was. It was like he was stalking her or something. It -- it was like a bad dream. or maybe a good dream. No, it was a bad dream. This was definitely a bad dream. A really, really bad dream. [i]And, God, don't be ridiculous, Ryan.[/i] The situation was already ridiculous enough. If not for Bart then for the fact that the more negatively she thought about Brandon, the more likely he seemed to show-up. Although, he really was easy on the eyes, and he kind of made her skirt seem worthwhile. Guys liked looking at girl's legs, right? [i]Eww. Fuck.[/i] What was she even thinking? Her eyes fell from Brandon's 'chiseled' face and landed on Bart's boyish notion. She so badly wanted to ignore Brandon and act like he was just a really good looking guy on a poster inconveniently hanging on the wall next to them, right? Wrong! The weird sensation she had felt during Calculus was coming back. She could feel her cheeks tingling and her toes curling inside of her flats as she tried to stop the rush. [color=afd2d5]"Speedy Kicks,"[/color] the voice smiled, placing a hand on Bart's shoulder. He was so tall compared to Bart, and in that instance, Ryan noticed that she was the shortest of the three. A small inferior jest of anger flashed through her as some desperate attempt to remind herself she was angry before [i]he[/i] arrived. The attempt only lasted for a split second as [i]his[/i] blue eyes locked with Ryan's expression, [color=afd2d5]"You two know each other?"[/color] Brandon's lips curled in a playfully curious manner. Ryan knew her head was nodding a, 'Yes' to his answer even if she had not told her body to agree with anything the pretty boy said. [color=afd2d5]"That's awesome,"[/color] Brandon's words echoed in Ryan's head. [i]How did he do that?[/i] Ryan wanted to be mad that Bart knew Brandon or that Brandon knew Bart. [i]How were they friends... already?[/i] But, she could not bring herself to be. She was almost happy about it, pathetically happy about it, [color=afd2d5]"Well, you two should come eat with me and the guys."[/color] A weak smile drew over Ryan's frown, [color=85afd1]"S-sure, Brandon."[/color] She was kicking herself. Not only did she [i]not[/i] want to sit with Bart, but she most definitely did not want this stupid crush on Brandon to ruin her chances of getting into the National Honors Society. Also, who the fuck even wanted a crush in high school? The likelihood of it even working-out was less than her likelihood of ever letting Johnny Lee get away with calling her Arianna. Ryan watched as Brandon's hand slid from Bart's shoulder, and his body turned. There was a pause in his movement, light, wavy brown hair combed so nicely -- his head turned. [color=afd2d5]"We'll be by the Rugby Field,"[/color] a small smirk shied away as he walked down the corridor. He was confident in his walk, and his back did not slouch. However, he was too friendly to be pompous. [i]He was such a Gary Sue.[/i] And, [i]God[/i] she looked like such a fricking idiot. [i]Idiot --[/i] that reminded Ryan of Bart, and she instantly snapped out of her trance. Her olive eyes darted daggers of disgust at him, if only out of habit. Her left heel shifted, and her hip pressed outwards. She needed to do some damage control or at least, something. With her lips pressed together in an ominous state of annoyance, they wickedly pressed upwards into a pensive, conniving grin, [color=85afd1]"I forgive you. Just, don't do it, again,"[/color] her eyes tried to stay stern but found themselves bashfully looking away. Her stance still resided despite flushed cheeks.