Megumi pursed her lips when the candle maker told her not to wish for war. Did she really sound that bloodthirsty? "Of course not. I would never want a war to come to this village if it could be avoided. But, there's gotta be something between war and walking dogs for the elderly." She leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath. She knew Mikio was right. This was the same line of work that took her father's life and she should consider herself lucky that things were peaceful so far. And she was sure some more exciting missions would come her way eventually. She was just getting impatient. "But, at least that gives me more time to train so I'll be ready if things do get dangerous," Megumi said, trying to push away the cloud of negativity she was surely creating. She definitely didn't want Mikio to think of her as a brat whining about crappy missions. Then, Megumi smiled when Mikio mentioned her finding greatness. "I suppose you're right. Greatness comes to those who can hold it, after all. No sense in rushing things before I'm ready. And I actually have met with some shinobi from other villages who have settled down here. Most of them seem to be trying to get away from it all and aren't very talkative." She was flattered that Mikio said he would want to be a small part of whatever she achieved, but she figured he was just being nice to get her into a good mood. He was a seasoned veteran, after all, and Megumi would be happy to be part of [i]his[/i] legacy as it stood. "Hmm... Hey, I just got an idea. If you don't like it, you can just say no, but, do you think you could use an assistant to help you teach the academy students? I mean, I've never taught anyone before, but it might be a good change of pace." [i]Plus, I'll get to see you demonstrate your shuriken techniques,[/i] she thought. Megumi didn't expect him to accept. After all, who was she to be teaching young shinobi? She had never even been in a life or death situation yet. Still, it was getting dull doing the same training routines every day. A bit of variety would be nice.