[center][h2] [color=f7941d]Rostam[/color] [/h2][/center] [h3][center][s]Party[/s] Masonry Field[/center][/h3] [hr] Rostam had just begun his conversation with the pale warrior, when another presence made itself known, freely declaring itself as Chi-You, an a War God no less. Turning, he found himself looking down at the largest woman he had ever seen before. She had the body of an amazon warrior, coming almost up to his center chest in height, and was striding towards him with a fierce gleam in her eye. Forgetting the pale haired warrior for a moment Rostam turned towards the self proclaimed War God, folding his arms over his chest and preparing a similarly impressive list of titles to shoot back at her. They never came, for at that moment the voice of Ruler suddenly shouted in alarm, warning everyone to move. The next few moments passed in a blur. Rostam had lept to protect his Master, enfolding her in his massive body as some massive structure impacted with the earth around them. When he had turned to see what source of the terrible impact had been, he let out a low hummmm of appreciation. Rostam had lived many hundreds of years, far beyond the span of an ordinary mortal, or even an ordinary hero of the age of the gods, and there were very few wonders that he had not seen time and again in his day. When however it happened that he did see some new and unanticipated marvel, the effect was all the more shocking to him. Here was a fortress that moved and attacked like a demon beast. A living mountain larger than a dragon, larger than a Simurgh, and larger even than the King of Demons had been. For a brief instant, and for the second time in this war, he was truly surprised. Then the living engine of destruction had moved, smashing forward with its two arms sending one towards either half of the now riven party. There had been a time when he would have charged towards anything, bellowing his warcry and swinging his mace, filled with absolute confidence in Ohrmazd's blessing. That had been before his latter battles however, and moreover, before his earlier impalement and near death during his summoning. Leaping clear again, feeling the whipcrack of lacerating wind deflected off his armor as he went, Rostam landed a near 100 yards away, creating his own miniature earth shakeing impact as he touched down. Carefully he bent over and set his tiny homunculus Master down behind some bushes. [color=f7941d]"Master, are you well? Will you be... alright here?"[/color] He looked up and stared grimly at the immense and apparently ambulatory Fortress. Somehow it seemed even bigger at a distance. His armor and weapons had rematerialized over his nice party clothes the moment the threat had been detected, and he now lightly tossed his iron capped mace from hand to had as he sized up the... [i]creature.[/i] [color=f7941d][i]Rakhsh[/i], I need you.[/color] With a brief surge of prana, the gigantic horse was suddenly standing beside them. He sniffed the air, took one look at what was obviously to be their foe and whinnied in dismay. For an instant it looked almost as though Rostam might have to fight to restrain him from bolting, but a moment later, the noble beast restrained itself, instead simply pawing the ground nervously. Rostam mounted, twirling his mace experimentally as he did so. Together they were nearly 20 feet tall, a moving mountain in themselves, but for once, even this magnificent alliance would not be able to simply trample over their terrible opposition. [color=f7941d]"I trust I don't need to tell you that attacking this thing would be inadvisable? Get closer if you dare, but I would make haste in the opposite direction. If anyone fails to dodge an attack from that thing, they will be beyond even your admirable healing skills."[/color] [hr] [h2][center][color=007236]Alex Bradan[/color][/center][/h2] [h3][center]Aboard the Scuttle, Fuyuki Harbor[/center][/h3] [hr] Leaning over the steel table that formed his primary workbench, Alex squinted in disbelief as the eyes of his familiar communicated to him a complete impossibility. He had declined to attend the meeting, feeling that he had spent far too much time inland already in going to the Church grounds. Now he was relieved that he had stayed behind. The six limbed, thing had descended from the sky and planted itself, black and glittering into the ground like some sort of abominable stone weed. No sooner had it done so then it began drawing immense amounts of Prana to itself, and lashed out with collomous fists at the Servants who had gathered around it. [color=007236][i]Archer! Archer do you hear me? [/i]"[/color] Working quickly he immediately began to funnel as much prana as he could to the Servant over their distant connection. If this thing was channeling as much prana as he thought it was, then this could be the premature end of the Grail War right here. For a second he contemplated starting the ship's engine and priming it to go, but abandoned the idea, and sat back down at the table, running over his limited support options. His familiars would be completely useless against such an enemy, even a momentary distraction would be impossible with them. [color=007236] [i]Keep your distance from that thing! It is using nearly as much prana as all of you Servants put together, its a monster! I give you full permission to use your Noble Phantasm should you require it! Don't hesitate to flee if the battle goes against you.[/i] [/color] Leaning back in his chair Alex wiped the sweat from his brow. Surely this could not be par for the course in these peculiar wars... something like this should have the Mages Guild in an uproar. What in the hell was going on? [hr] [@Holy Grail] [@Cu Chulainn]