Eun couldn't help but give Tes a closed eyed smile. Receiving praise and encouragement from her role model was already more than enough praise for her; she couldn't wait to go and tell Chan about this one! And not to mention Demitrius, who was being just an absolute cinnamon roll ever since she actually starting talking to each other; so probably the past few minutes. He was just so sweet, from praising her for her work, to even offering a house for her, Tes, and Simon to occupy; Demitrius was definitely too nice for his own good. Eun made sure to keep that in mind in case there were those around who would benefit in taking his kindness for granted before thanking the raven haired boy once again and bowing politely. Just as she was about to thank the other woman once again for her offer, the mention of her ability to charm made the blonde tilt her head ever so slightly. Of course she's noticed that she has a rather unnatural charismatic air around her, even helping her attract people towards her, but the mention of having similar powers that could help persuade, Eun couldn't hide the curiosity and also confusion on her face. [color=lightblue]"What do you mean by that, Ms. Tessa? Or rather, what kind of abilities do you--"[/color] She had an idea of what the other meant, but before she even had the chance to get them out, Tes was preparing to smoke in the building. The girl wanted to mention that it might be better to do that once they got to Demitrius' car, but watching Tessa, in the flesh, perform a ritual, was something she couldn't just stop; especially with it being a ritual no one but them knew she had in stock! Eun continued to stare in awe with slightly parted lips before, thankfully, Demitrius knocked her out of her stupor. [color=lightblue]"Ah, you're right. We should be taking our leave soon. Is that alright with you both or was there something else you needed to do before heading out?"[/color] The blonde then questioned as she looked between Tes and Simon. Although she hadn't brought it up again, Eun was still curious about what exactly Tes meant...can she do things that Eun doesn't know about?