The lack of rain was a sensation it itself, it was as if nerves deadened by the continual lashing of the downpour suddenly sprang back to life. The inervating cold of the rain slackened and Camilla began to shiver. The garments she had on were plastered to her body by the water, like being enfolded in a heavy wet blanket. The slackening of sound was also a relief. The thunder still rolled and the rain still hammered but undercover it seemed almost endurable. It was dry here. Not just out of the rain dry, sepulchral dry. It was difficult to get a sense of the room they were in. The blackness was complete, broken only by the occasional crash of lighting, and that reflected of dull stone and refracted by a leaden downpour. Her hands fumbled for her pouch and the flint and steel for a moment before lack of familiarity with the task defeated her. As she peered closely at the walls she could make out oddly familiar designs, worked into the rock by artisans of ages past. The smell of must and ancient decay told her that the halls weren't being lived in, or at least that this section of them was abandoned. [b]"Cydric,"[/b] she whispered, somehow afraid to speak to loudly. A ridiculous notion, she had been shouting only a moment ago. She found his bicep in the dark and squeezed softly. [b]"I... I cant find my flint and steel,"[/b] she confessed, oddly disquieted to be unable to perform so simple a task. [b]"We need to get some light..."[/b] No sooner had she spoken the word than a particularly vicious crack of lighting ripped down into the defile, bathing the whole scene in an unearthly purple light for long moments. For confused instants she had a vision of a large room, filled with all manner of objects, it was shockingly like a merchants holding area. A moment later the light died and bright purple after images danced in her eyes. By memory she reached along one of the walls and seized some sort of wall hanging, yanking it down with a sharp tug. Without pausing to investigate it, she wrapped the fabric around her shoulders, feeling its barrier against the chill immediately engulf her. [b]"What is this place..."[/b] she breathed. [@POOHEAD189]