Camilla stared in wonder as the light of the small fire kindled to life, illuminating the room. Her hand froze with the jerky halfway to her mouth. [b]"By the Gods,"[/b] she breathed, looking down at the wall hanging she had used as a makeshift blanket to see it revealed as a silken banner bearing some kind of great fiery bird. The rest of the room was in equally decayed splendor. Fine furniture, or what had once been fine furniture lay scattered round at seemingly random intervals. Her brain kept trying to tell here that their was a greater aesteic order and then skittering away from grasping the pattern. Bitting down on the jerky started her from her reverie. The outer layer was softer from being drenched in the rain, but the inner layer was like iron and she felt her jaw half broke clamping down on it. Against her own better judgement she started to giggle, and her giggle built to a laugh with only the slightest tinge of hysteria. [b]"I'm sorry,"[/b] she said, making a dismissive gesture with her hand once she had bought herself under control. [b]"I was just thinking that this place is like something out of a Brettonian play and then nearly broke my teeth on your jerky, somehow that part seems to get left out of the damsel's lines..."[/b] She was about to go on about the reality of adventure when she suddenly went completely deathly still. [b]"Cydric,"[/b] she breathed, [b]"why are their eyes gouged out?"[/b] The statues were all in various stages of disrepair, some appeared to have been hacked appart, others defaced with crude grafitti of indeterminate languge. But every single statue, from the mightiest stone monolith, to the smallest foot high carving had it eyes neatly and perfectly removed. Camilla reflextively gulped and immediately began to choke on the jerky. [@POOHEAD189]