[centre][b][h1][color=limegreen]Connor[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/158fbb9e07a64c21c532e517f4682e2a/tumblr_o18bqlJcw61txaqq4o2_r1_250.gif[/img][/centre] Connor hadn’t quite left, and was running a little bit behind, only just racing out the room he had barely even settled into only to leave it for his own dorm room at the academy. He wasn’t too late, but even so, his parents were already gone, most likely preparing themselves for their first classes. Or his mother would be anyway. His father would probably just make it up as he went along. He snagged his breakfast, chucking the previously hot bacon and eggs into the microwave, while he hurriedly made sure that he had everything. His backpack, blue and silver, wasn’t really a backpack. Inside the pack was his ironman suit. It wasn’t made to hold anything else, and Connor had a small carry bag with his school things. Running his hand through his unbrushed hair, having forgotten to run a comb through it, Connor turned to the microwave, retrieving his food he quickly engulfed it, putting his plate into the sink, he darted out the house, pack over one shoulder. He still hadn’t brushed his hair, and it didn’t seem like he was going to, as he jumped into his car- a rather old pick-up truck that he’d worked on throughout high school, now running well. He started towards the school, and his interactive AI, Ignot, instructed him on the best route to get there. He reminded Connor about what classes he had already signed up for, and that the few things he hadn’t already had delivered to the Academy were being delivered that afternoon, and Connor anticipated that he’d be spending the weekend getting his dorm room all set up with his workbench. Which was rather something he knew he could do well. Interacting with others was a rather abstract concept to Connor… quiet and solemn, Connor studied situations that were social, and generally wasn’t a part of them. Most of the them, that is. Making his way towards the school, Connor pulled up into the albeit small car park, that seemed rather empty- he supposed that other students weren’t aware of it’s existent yet, those that could drive that is. He got out, glancing about, before slinging his pack over his shoulders, and heading towards the school gates. He looked over it the gates, and the students entering taking it all in. All in all, the students seemed to be typical of any heading to school. There seemed to be some interaction, some fooling about and others just unsure what to do. He wasn’t entirely too sure what to do for himself… For the first time, he wasn’t known as Tony Stark’s kid, but rather as… just someone else. All through school, the name Stark had had kids amazed, or thinking he was entitled because of it. All Connor had wanted to do was learn… What would it be like, to go here, and not be any more special than anyone else? He smiled to himself, and started towards the gates.