[@Holy Soldier]If I may propose a solution, perhaps responses could be drafted for each tean as they complete their moves since the attending players don't all directly depend on one another unlike in this game, so it might help to move the game along piecemeal. Of course, you could still respond at your own leisure and decide how many you want to wait on at a time, which in turn gives [i]you[/i] the option of dividing your own workload as GM. It's entirely up to you, though, as it would directly depend on you. I just figured it to be a more satisfying means of moving the game forward as opposed to letting it linger or delagating the outcomes to a randomizer. I understand the desire for more even pacing, but also to not keep it running for too long, lest it end up running longer than the upcoming mission (which I feel it might do at our current rate). Also, job's kept me a little busy, so it's been slightly more difficult than usual to post. I've got one almost fully draftednow, and I should have it out by tonight or tomorrow night. Just bear with me.