It was getting a little too busy around here for Kora's liking when the horse became evident as some kind of shifter. She wasn't aversed to an audience, but the phrase 'loitering with intent' sprung to mind, especially with horse-man making some oblique reference to her being killed and the resulting looting of her body. [color=ed1c24]"Good thing I'd be dead then wouldn't it? That sort of thing happening might really worry me if I wasn't."[/color] the Knight responded with a dark smirk. [color=ed1c24]"Not that I don't appreciate your concern for my corpse."[/color] She didn't really have time to exchange words with ashlanders though. Her target was moving away. [color=ed1c24]"Sir, I'm under obligation to warn you that walking away from me at this point is resisting arrest, and if you don't stop immediately I will be compelled to stop you by force."[/color] She lifted her left hand across her chest, closed her fingers into a fist, and upon extending them there was an abrupt flash of ignition. Her hand began to radiate intense levels of heat. [color=ed1c24]"I'm not going to warn you agai-"[/color] Suddenly a voice spoke up in the her headset, the familiar monotone of her charming mission control. [color=0072bc]"Enough of this. Engage."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I'm obliged to give a verbal warning before-"[/color] [color=0072bc]"That's an order, Knight."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Alright. If a Commander takes issue with this it's all on you, autotune."[/color] she muttered, before making a dash for the man, her hands beginning to spark and warp the air around them. She did so with reasonable confidence that the assembled ashrats would disperse when things turned ugly. They had no reason to piss off the Kingdom of Erubesco for the sole reason of propping up some criminal who, for all they know, could have just murdered a bunch of people as part and parcel of his treason. If the two were able to sell off Erubescan security codes to Liberty or mercenary factions, he might as well have killed dozens of Knights with his own bare hands.