PS: This last post contains a bit of foreshadowing about what the next battle maybe and the developing plot. This interlude will go at least until this weekend as requested by some, but will not likely reach two, since we still have to introduce [@thewizardguy]'s character in the next battle and making them wait for too long isn't good. So, if anyone has any other requests regarding this down time, please ask them now. We just want to make sure that no one is left feeling unsatisfied. By the way, [@Awesomoman64], if you want to join in this down time, you are free to go. There's pretty much no better time than now. Also, [@The 42nd Gecko], just to make things clear regarding this last post. Miyu can still do her rocket thing. As we said before, the space isn't outside of the Nexus. The barrier that separates the Nexus from the rest of the multiverse is far more metaphysical than that.