[@tal0n] [@Warborn123] [@Kessir Tarkin] Conrad raised an eyebrow as the smaller girl confronted the two huge, armored up boarders about their illogical plan. [color=00746b]"Careful now Arms it looks like you have someone with their eye on that first mate seat"[/color], Conrad snickered. The big first mate replied with a snort which seamed to mean "as if". When Conrad turned back the small girl, Reina, was eyeing him. [color=00746b]"However I do have to agree with the girl, since were taking prisoners as far as we know the captain is the most valuable person on that ship. Our captain seams to want to keep prisoners for some reason and from my life as a space whaler the captain is just about the only person worth anything on that ship. It would seam pretty counter productive to kill him."[/color] Just as Conrad finished speaking he heard and felt the ship turning to get into position for boarding so he took off his coat and threw it to the side of the boarding party deck and readied his laser rifle. The party was about to start.