[@Andreyich] Yes, they really do. Regulations do hurt small businesses (more than big ones.) if you didn't think that was true. You wouldn't say we need to use them on only big businesses. And if you don't think applying too many restrictions on big business won't lead to negative consequences, I don't even know what to tell you other than linking to how many jobs are being outsourced for that reason... I apologize, I'm probably not in the mood to discuss politics and I'm used to the conduct of this forum and I'm not going as in depth as I should if I wanted to properly discuss this. It's a simple rebuttal/explanation video, but most of the time it's a simple argument that people make. And I don't really see anything that deep in this either. You say you want mostly environmental restrictions and quality of life kind of stuff. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxO3bPNyWzo] Like making sure there's no lead 'put' in lipstick[/url], right? But are you arguing you only want to make big corporations to go under those restrictions? (correct? Like I'm not talking over you am I? Do you want restrictions on all business? Or "big" ones?) And how big, is big business? (again there's many problems with that.) And why do you think we need the government to try environmental restrictions? [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWjGZNDEH-A]Like Europe going with a cap and trade system. (making their carbon emissions skyrocket upwards...)[/url]