[quote=@Awesomoman64] [@Lucius Cypher] Eh, Wolf's not doing anything. He'll join as well! [/quote] Excellent. I imagine it ought to be fairly easy to meet up with Wolf and Bonesword since they're both Machina Soldiers. Try to see if the both of y'all could head back to that karaoke bar from the last downtime, I'll have Endian come over and recruit the both of y'all into her conquest army. [quote=@floodtalon] You could probably count Henry in if he meets with Grafdakka. He's pretty dissatisfied with the Demons right now and he would love some of that sweet sweet Machina tech. [/quote] See, this is why you need Fran: she'd totes hook you up with ideas to seek out power Hungary individuals at the other factions and nurture their hunger. Like taking care of a peach tree, protect and feed it until it bares ripe fruit. After that, you can keep taking care of it or chop it down into lumber. Fran could be your go-between for the Machina and Demons so Gebry doesn't have to "switch sides" but still get a cut from it, if he helps Graf's little mission. To put it in another perspective: should Graf happen to obtain materials to create powerful robot suits, he'd attack Henry's territory where they happen to get "captured" during battle, though the pilots managed to escape with their lives. Though if Henry wants to just straight up join the Machina, I won't object either.