It's actually the backstory and the flavor potential of the class that drew me to it - I don't really have any strong opinions about the mechanics of the class, positive or negative, I just had an idea for a backstory using the class that I thought would be pretty cool. That's why I thought it might be worth asking, really, because it seemed like this was an RP that was going lighter-ish on the mechanics. Essentially, the bloodrager is a character that has magic powers because they are descended from magic beings, and taps into those powers by raging like a barbarian. The concept I had was for a half-orc descended from a demon, who tapped into a certain demonic strength when berserking (flaming aura, claws, increased size, stuff like that). Again, if that wouldn't work it's no trouble at all, just thought I'd ask because the backstory came to me in the shower and I thought it was pretty cool.