[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Chapter%20Two%3A%20Retribution&name=SATAM___.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][hr][img]http://www.lowbird.com/data/images/2009/06/aceeyepoke.gif[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Sunday May 21th, 2017[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@Scallop] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [b][i][color=ed1c24]Justice Asylum:[/color][/i][/b] - [color=82ca9d]"Yeah I can but I wonder if she can,"[/color] Marc said glancing over at Cecily. This was a crime scene after all and from what he could tell she had taken over it when she arrived. Was she just going to walk away from a murder scene and a kidnapping like that? Even if she hadn't taken over fully, she was still part of the department and a lot had gone down. Hell, Cecily, Caesar, or Keystone shouldn't have even of thought of leaving at this point. They were all witnesses to a crime. [color=82ca9d]"Or you two for that matter,"[/color] he added looking back over at Caesar. Apparently things went down differently in Mexico but it wasn't leaving a good impression in his mind that three people were willing to walk away from a crime scene like this. Even if they didn't trust the local authorities it didn't sit well with him that they would even attempt to leave. His brow cocked a bit but his attention was diverted when the doc came back over with Cynthia's file. [color=82ca9d]"Right, thank you doc. Do you mind if I take these with me once I give a statement or could you make copies for me? Or even just point me to a copier?"[/color] he said in a grateful voice as he thumbed through them. The SWAT team didn't look too happy and they actually looked a bit confused by the comments. "What? We just got the call in under five minutes ago," one stated flatly as the signal was given to lower their weapons and not take a shot. "Can someone tell me what happened?" the Captain of the team asked stepping forward. Tinder looked up and rose a finger before looking at the Doctor and handing her back the file. He gave her a slight smile of apology before going over to the Captain and starting to give his statement. At this point Marc had a bad feeling not only about the departments dealing with all of this in Justice but Keystone, Cecily, and Caesar. None of them seemed like the stand up type to him if they were trying to pack up and go when someone had just been kidnapped. It didn't help that the girl that had been taken was someone he had known since childhood. He hoped their stupidity wouldn't end up getting another old friend of his killed, Riley. [color=82ca9d]"On second thought, cancel the meeting, I have elsewhere to be,"[/color] Marc said towards Caesar once he had finished giving his statement to the Captain and his card in case they had anymore questions for him. Making his way back over to Iris he ran his hand over the back of his neck. [color=82ca9d]"So, about those copies?"[/color] [b][i][color=ed1c24]Zoies Farm:[/color][/i][/b] - Zoie had a decent amount of texts on Ancient Cultures, primarily Egypt but there were several there on Roman and Greek culture as well. Most of the books though were not on the cultures themselves but on various artifacts that had been dug up or preserved over the centuries. There was also fiction books that were for some reason placed in what appeared to be Zoie's nonfiction section that were on various lores and stories, stuff about astrology of each culture, and then there were books on technologies of the ancient world. Seemed to be a rather odd collection of stuff for a country girl. Zoie wiped the sweat from her brow and shoved the pitchfork back into the hay. Dusting her hands off on the front thighs of her jeans she picked up her mason jar of water and downed it before starting to make her way back to the house. She had hoped she could have gotten in a ride today but the hour was late so that would have to wait. She figured if she got up early enough in the morning she could take a quick ride out on the property before they headed into Justice. Stepping back into the house, the screen door closed behind her with a wack and she flopped down on the side board to pull her boots off, leaving them in the mudroom as she normally did before her bare feet padded through the place back to the kitchen. [b][i][color=ed1c24]Safehouse[/color][/i][/b] - Roy listened and let Riley help him out of the car. Glancing around as they went to the front door before unlocking it and letting them get inside. "I swear you are trying to get yourself killed," he said with a bit of a smirk as he pointed over to the table in the kitchen area of the house. "Okay, let's get you that burner phone," he said as he slowly sat down and let out a grunt of pain. "Over in the foot locker in front of the bed," he said pointing off to the open area of the room. The place looked to be gutted and only one door leading to what appeared to be a bathroom. The walls were taken down inside so it was one large space instead of several smaller rooms so there was a kitchen area, dining area, living area, and a bed. All of which looked to be rather used. "Been held up here for a while now with two others from your building, hopefully they will be back soon," he said taking out his own phone and finally sending Cecily a message back - [i]"Alive, stab wound, I'm okay. Have your roommate. We are safe. Will contact later."[/i] He kept it short, and sweet, and to the point. "Can you grab the first aid kit out of the cabinet under the kitchen sink?" he asked Riley before pouring himself a drink from a dark bottle on the table and downing it to take the edge off. "Want one?" [b][i][color=ed1c24]Justice Memorial[/color][/i][/b] - Natasha breathed a sigh of relief as the lead doctor worked. They might not have been able to save the eye but the socket seemed to be okay. Thankfully the crayon that had been used in the attack was not strong enough to break bone or do a lot of nerve damage. Time would only tell but from the look of things they might actually be able to get Felix a transplant later on so he could have his sight restored. Granted anything could go wrong between now and then but still, it was the first bit of hope they had had with the surgery so far. They were on hour four, four more to go from the looks of things. Checking his vitals, Felix was staying strong. She said a small prayer that he would stay that way.