[@Elevation][@tal0n][@Silvir][@Kessir Tarkin][@Warborn123] Traveler noted the conversation and felt it necessary to announce his intent, and to note that they might see some... unusual things. [color=purple]"This cell notes that orders were to loot and 'if possible' capture the crew of the merchant ship. If possible is a modifier of the command and is not a priority. This cell does recognize that capture of their captain would be a notable accomplishment. This cell will attempt to pacify combatants without killing but will use force should resistance prove it preferential. This cell notes that it is shapeless and can change form much as one can change clothes, a tactical advantage as any opening is an entrance provided it is not water-tight. With that in mind, this cell will travel through the ventilation seeking priority targets."[/color] Traveler did intend to incapacitate, but it felt it necessary to kill and absorb a combatant away from the others. It was concerned the others might act negatively despite it being required for sustenance. While looking for priority targets was not a lie, it was not the main reason behind his intent to separate.