[quote]No, it's because big business can afford big strict regulations. And small ones can't. thenewamerican.com/economy/economics/… washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/12/… bizjournals.com/bizjournals/washingto… [/quote] That's just parrotting what I said with a bit of neo-connery thrown in. [quote]Free country. You can't. If a company wants to move to Europe entirely, you can't stop them in America...(as much as Trump seems to want that to be a thing.)[/quote] I'm talking about a fictional imaginary country or how I would want things to be. You should be able to stop that; forbid companies from operating within your state if they want to use foreign slave-labour. Only foreign branches of a company should be able to use foreign labour, you shouldn't be able to get 20th world mongo bongos to die making jeans for nothing and then sell them in another country for sixty bucks. [quote]I'm not sure exactly what this is even trying to say, but America's emissions already have been declining. Were doing just fine and the EPA will not solve any of our problems. :/ businessinsider.com/heres-one-example… An example of an EPA rule, actually killing a small business. To put it bluntly, all of the overreach does more harm than good. And I don't really know any current example where it was proven to be a "good thing".[/quote] I won't pretend to know shit about the EPA so you got me stymied on that account, I suppose. [quote] The problem is, a lot of the 'eat the rich' (envious mentality) comes from immoral arguments anyway...The Fight for 15. Why 15? Who cares, the number doesn't matter (it's not thought out at all.) It just sounds nice. It's arguing people that flip burgers should make the same hourly wage as an actual profession that can't be done by literally everyone. And you can argue it all you want, or go "well that just means those actual professions should be paid MORE." But that's not how businesses work. People can't seem to grasp the reality of life that people pay what they think your worth. If you think that sucks, thank god there's free market competition. Or they wouldn't HAVE a choice. Money doesn't grow on trees and it seems like even some politicians haven't learned that concept yet... Mentioning things like communism, they didn't want you to be -paid- for work at all. :/ Yeah, silly internet. It's obvious that 99% percent of science people agree anyway. That's how science works right? /s But getting off topic... [/quote] That has a lot of disconnect but okay... I'm not saying the rich should make as much as the poor, skilled labour should naturally be paid more and business owners naturally have the right to gain larger profits for a more successful business, all I am saying is that modern, mainstream (particularly American) Conservatives should not get their way and turn things into ancap with no taxation or anything. [i]Slight[/i] increments with earning is not going to turn you into the USSR or China, and make all the rich kids run off to Monaco. [quote]Fun. Though I don't really know what the solution to that is...clearly it wasn't making rules and regulations. Because they lied about meeting them...The government is apparently doing nothing about it either, but they're still the one we need to come up with the solution? Like, I don't know where to even go from there... spiegel.de/international/business/vw-…[/quote] That's why there should be change in government(s). [quote]If income inequality was getting worse and worse in American, as people claim it does. Let's take the word for it. Then again, our poor wouldn't be doing better than the middle class globally...and this wouldn't exist. heritage.org/poverty-and-inequality/r…[/quote] Was is the key word, it was getting worse until wossname, FDR I think used policy that would get anyone trying it in the modern day get called a commie, at least by neo-cons. [quote]When completion thrives, more products get made and more productive become cheaper. That's why the most expensive phone a few years ago, cost next to nothing after that. :/ So, citation very much needed if you're going to state otherwise. Socialist policies help eh? Where has it helped? [/quote] Every single depression was solved by taking policy that gets called socialist. Admittedly, giving something to the lower classes so they once again have funds with which to spend shit to once again put money back into the economy only gets called socialist to make people be forced to choose between neo-conservatism or liberals. Also, your constant mentioning that America's poor are better off than middle classes elsewhere is moot when other countries have much higher HDI, and if adjusted for inequality America is pretty close to 2nd world/East Europe.