[hr][hr][h1][center][color=0072bc]Anton G'iscard "L'étincelle"[/color][/center][/h1][hr][hr] [h3]Preparing for the mission An unknown apartment Somwhere in New York[/h3] [color=0072bc]"Colonel Philipe Artoue. 68th Infantry Division, 1st Free French Army, an honour to meet you, Monsieur."[/color] Anton stood in front of a mirror, repeatedly talking to himself as if he was an actor rehearsing his lines for tonight's show. And in some manner, he was indeed an actor. It was just too bad that he had never stood on a stage all of his life, so he was silently praying to the powers above for support. But he did like the uniform. They had agreed to have Anton pose as a Free French officer, representing the French Delegation to the United States. He was wearing the easily recognizable French officer uniform with the blue and red officer cap, a holster on his hip with a pistol, and his moustache just as finely shaven. Even his stature was fitting of an proud officer; hadn't he been the very same man in the mirror, he was sure he'd been easily fooled himself. The others, however, Anton was having stronger fears of how good their disguises were. Anton finished his rehearsing to look at his watch; it was getting close to their departure for the fundraising party. He took a last look at himself, straightened his officer's cap and uniform, and marched as convincingly out to the main room of the apartment. It was a miracle that they had been give this apartment to prepare in without arousing suspicion, but soon they would enter the fire. [color=0072bc]"Mon ami, what is our status? Are we ready?"[/color]